These Words Of Jesus’ Describe The Intended Impact Of CRT On America

In my studies of the progressive Marxist democratic left, I have learned that social Marxism (CRT, political correctness, CT…) aims at dividing and wrecking America.

Today, during my daily read of the Bible, Jesus’ words below took on an additional meaning, in that they also describe the intended impact of social Marxism on our country:

Matthew 12:25 Knowing their thoughts, he said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and no city or house divided against itself will stand.

Jesus gave many rebukes in this passage, a few verses later He said the following words. These words apply to all people; but regarding Marxists, who deliberately propagate lies to gain a foothold via which they undermine a society, these words indicate they will be the recipients of greater judgment (explained below).

34You brood of vipers! How can you speak good, when you are evil? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. 35The good person out of his good treasure brings forth good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure brings forth evil. 36 I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak, 37for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”

There presently are many communists in high positions of government, business, education…. They fund the Marxist left and uphold its values (they are the useful idiots of which Lenin spoke, see post linked below). They, and all of their followers (everyone who cowers down to political correctness and participates in cancelling… of others) gang up on independent thinkers, conservatives, Christians…to shame and demoralize them….

That is, all who are afraid to stand for truth, but who participate in propagating the lies of the Marxist left (who is anti-Christ, anti-God, anti-religion); are also participating in the collapsing of a government that was established to protect its citizens (see Romans 13, that the power of the sword is placed in government officials, by God, to protect citizens and families, and to encourage godly conduct…not satanic conduct); these who join with the left to undermine godly government, will receive greater judgment.

The most foundational strategy progressive Marxist leftist democrats use is lying (see link below to learn about the leftist handbook by Saul Alinsky that his two political disciples Clinton and Obama used; they also appointed many positions to people who subscribe to Alinsky’s strategies.


***If you don’t understand social Marxism, there are many posts in the category of CRT/CT that provide information to get you up to speed.

***Deceitful tactics of the democratic left   (A post within this blog linked below)

This post, highlights a two-page article about Saul Alinsky’s book, Rules For Radicals; the article links H. Clinton and B. Obama to Alinsky, he was their mentor

If you should want to see the two-page article, a link is provided near the end of the post.

Within the highlight points, you will discover that lying is a chief tool of the Marxist leftist democratic organizer; and that Satan is their avowed role model.

***Vladimir Lenin called them ‘useful idiots:’  (a post within this blog)

This post describes how those of the left are used to destabilize a nation and that they are discarded thereafter by despots that come to power, as leftists are to shifty to trust, even for totalitarian rulers:

***The following link is to Matthew 12 at Bible Hub: