Deceitful Tactics of the Democratic Progressive Left

The list of tactics below is derived from an article about Saul Alinsky’s book, Rules for Radicals.

Alinsky’s book is the handbook of the progressive left.

The article is linked in the study recommendations part of this post.

The purpose of this post is to help readers understand the following:

  1. why democratic politicians are permitting violence to destroy their cities
  2. why they legislate policies that make citizens dependent upon welfare such that our system is becoming overwhelmed
  3. why president Trump is constantly under attack by leftist politicians
  4. why citizens in democratic cities are at the bottom of their mayor’s priority lists

The following points represent strategies, tactics, purposes…that are part of the left’s plan; this list only reveals significant aspects of the article:

  • Infiltrate the system in a covert manner
  • Do and say whatever it takes to get power
  • Camouflage is key to Alinsky-style organizing
  • Our model is Lucifer, the first rebel
  • Young protagonists are to urge violence and cry, “Burn down the system”
  • Create mass organizations to seize power
  • Disorganize the present order; reorganize into a new social order
  • Create the political paradise of communism
  • Organizers must see truth as relative; not be shackled by dogma; be free to reorganize social structures as desired [therefore, such things as religious traditions; the constitution; certain rights… must be discarded from society]
  • Clothe your deceptions with “moral garments” [this would seem to describe social Marxist political correctness, as it seems to scream out to those who do not participate that they are morally wrong and unacceptable — pc is a moral construct of these deceptive communist activists]
  • Real action is the reaction of the opposition [the targeted people within whom the organizer seeks to create a reaction]
  • The organizer must identify with his enemy such that he can appraise and anticipate the enemies probable actions
  • New ideas arise from conflict
  • Build seemingly positive relationships with the enemy; and through these relationships, carrying out stealth operations via creating conflict whereby the enemy is manipulated into carrying out your goals
  • Disorganize communities via disruptions
  • Organize new communities [socialist and communist communities]
  • Stir up dissatisfaction
  • Look for ways to stir up insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty
  • Ridicule is a potent weapon: pick a target, personalize it, polarize it  [Trump is a target]
  • Irreverence is one desirable characteristic of an organizer

The following one minute video is representative of a group of people who have been manipulated by an organizer. Some of the people may agree with all the goals of the organizer and some may be largely unaware of those goals. I would guess that to be the case with the current rioters and anarchists in general:



The following 3 minute video about NYC mayor De Blasio and his policies, indicates that he has NO PLAN:

  • No plan to reopen indoor dining
  • No plan to deal with skyrocketing crime
  • No plan to stop rioting
  • No plan to reopen schools

What actions has De Blasio taken recently?

  • He reallocated a billion dollars from the police budget
  • He helped paint a BLACK LIVES MATTER mural on the street in from of Trump plaza
  • He is watching the wealthy citizens, who are his tax base, flee NYC
  • He is watching business owners leave the city
  • He is neglecting to protect law-abiding, tax-paying citizens

Governor Cuomo’s bail reform policy has also contributed greatly to the increased crime in NYC: arrested criminals are not detained on bail but are released the same day to go out and commit other crimes; one man robbed 4 banks in one day in NYC.

A fully funded police force would have trouble maintaining safe streets with such a policy, but Cuomo and De Blasio hampered them further by cutting 600 undercover police and reallocating one billion dollars from the police budget.

I would not want either of them managing the city in which I lived, unless I was a mob boss or a career criminal.

Therefore, Cuomo and De Blasio are in line with the Alinsky-styled activism of the democratic progressive left, which is outlined above.

Furthermore, De Blasio does have a plan: to be part of the dismantling of America and the building of a socialist nation, like his leftist comrades. 

Are you in favor of the stealthy leftist tactics and agenda?

Are you in favor of wrecking America and rebuilding it as a socialist nation??

These questions must be answered in your own mind before election day.




***Link to article on Alinsky: Rules for Radicals

Article was from the site:

***Movie, There’s No Place Like Utopia, by Joel Gilbert, free to Amazon Prime members. The movie shows the above tactics being carried out in the democratic run cities of Detroit, Newark, and Denver. This movie enable me to understand the concept of “creating a guaranteed voter base.”

***My series on Paganism, see Categories, Paganism / Neo Paganism: Therein, in the first post, the social goals of Aleister Crowley are explained; and in the balance of the series, these are connected to numerous movements in our society.

The following points are a brief overview of Aleister Crowley’s goals aimed at changing culture and religion:

  • To usher in the New Age of the AntiChrist via:
  • The drug revolution
  • The sexual revolution
  • The synthesis of western occultism with eastern mysticism
  • The rebellion against all authority, especially Christianity
  • The establishment of a new world order.


Crowley was a satanist; Alinsky held Lucifer up as a model to follow; there are many progressive leftist democratic politicians presently carrying out Alinsky’s tactics; hence, social chaos, godlessness, hatred, violence…fill the streets of our large cities and will soon fill those of the towns and villages.

Re-electing president Trump will put the brakes on this process, but students of the Bible know that social chaos and the return of Christ are coming; what we are experiencing in our country today could be part of God’s biblical plan unfolding.