Baptismal Regeneration Is a Deceptive Hoax – Mike Gendron – Proclaiming the Gospel to Roman Catholics

This issue of Mike Gendron’s Newsletter covers the following topics and more: The Falsification of Spiritual Blessings; Scripture Exposes Rome’s Deceptive Teaching; The Timing and Purpose of Water Baptism; Water Baptism Cannot Cause Spiritual Rebirth; Only God and His Word Can Cause Spiritual Life; Do Not Be Deceived About “The Chosen;” Letters to Equip and Encourage the Saints. [Gendron cites Roman Catholic practices and contrasts them with biblical truth and doctrine.]

Contemplative Prayer – Mysticism – by GoodFight Ministries

The 7-minute video of this post opens by mentioning Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who brought transcendental (TM) meditation to the west, via the influence of the Beach Boys and the Beatles. Pastor Joe Schimmel, who created the video, then moves to the topic of church leaders who are encouraging TM: Rick Warren and Rob Bell, two of many. Then Pastor Joe S. discussed mantras: their unbiblical nature, even if these are words from the Bible. Lastly, true biblical meditation was succinctly explained…. [Even though this video is a decade old, Hindu meditation and Hindu yoga are still a problem in the church, find out how that is so]

John MacArthur calls The Chosen Unbiblical — Pastor Michael Grant

This post contains two videos by Pastor Michael Grant. The first, a 2-minute video featuring Pastor John MacArthur, stating why MacArthur rejects The Chosen; the second video spends 14 minutes on Dallas Jenkins statements that the Mormons with which he affiliates while making The Chosen, believe in and love the same Jesus he does. The 6-minute video on Mormonism that concludes the video undoubtedly proves that Mormonism does NOT worship the same Jesus as evangelical Protestantism. In fact, no other heretic or false preacher that is reported on in this blog comes close to the extremely unbiblical Jesus of the Mormons. Please watch that last 6 minutes of the second video to see for yourself.

Voddie Baucham calls out Mega-church pastors by name

The video of this post is from the YouTube site: Mike (Joyful Exile). Mike uses sermon excerpts of Pastor Voddie Baucham confronting the false teachings of the following counterfeit pastors: Joel Osteen, TD Jakes, Steven Furtick, Kenneth Copeland, Rick Warren, Bill Johnson, and Gino Jennings. Video imagery of Joyce Meyer and Oprah are shown in the process of this expose’ of false teachers and ministries [a chart that contrasts God-centered and man-centered worship concludes this post, as this post is largely about man-centered worship and a Christian needs to be able to identify that]

UN-BIBLICAL PREACHING ILLUSTRATED: Steven Furtick – Revives “Little gods” Doctrine….

My last post illustrated biblical preaching that glorifies God and edifies the sheep of God; it used a video of a Voddie Baucham sermon: the World, the Flesh and the Devil. The videos in this post, sermons by Steven Furtick, illustrate preaching that blasphemes God and leads God’s sheep far astray. This two-part mini-series came out of a question a reader asked me regarding the nature of biblical preaching and its opposite. Each of these two posts list THREE POINTS that help listeners determine whether a sermon is from a biblical preacher or a counterfeit preacher.

TGC compares Taylor Swift to Jesus? – Pastor Michael Grant

This post contains an 8-minute video by Pastor Grant on an article written by the Gospel Coalition. The article favorably compared Taylor Swift to Jesus. The purpose of this post is to make the point that Christian ministries that have the appearance of being orthodox may not be. Furthermore, that if one does not know the contents of his/her Bible, then it is easy to be led astray. Some discernment ministries are linked for those Christians who have not yet become Bible students. A brief list of video highlights are provided.

Transgender Wedding Controversy… Alistair Begg… Clarity

This post contains a video that looks at several aspects of the Alistair Begg counsel regarding a transgender wedding: it opens with a brief intro about the issue at hand; Alistair Begg’s counsel; the American Family Association Response to Begg’s counsel; John Piper’s response and his biblical counsel for that situation; and a conclusion. The beginning times for each section of the video are provided for those who only want to hear a portion; also, links to source video.

What is the Keswick movement, and is it biblical? – Got Questions Ministries

This post is explains some errors of Keswick theology by comparing it with scripture. An excerpt: After salvation one must have another encounter with the Spirit; otherwise, he or she will not progress into holiness or the “deeper” things of God. This second encounter with the Spirit, in Keswick terminology, is called “entire sanctification,” “the second blessing,” or “the second touch.” This emphasis on a second, post-salvation experience corresponds with the Pentecostal idea of the “baptism” of the Spirit. Some Keswick teachers would even say that sinless perfection is possible after one receives the “second blessing.”

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