Sheeplywolves — Mat 7:15 “Beware of false prophets who come disguised as harmless sheep but are really vicious wolves.

Mat 7:14 But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it.

Exposing the Campaign for Immorality – Pastor John MacArthur

This post contains an Mp3 message by John MacArthur, it is another installment of John MacArthur’s series, Exposing the Campaign for Immorality. …While the DNC is the catalyst, the need for addressing these pressing issues is much bigger than any political agenda, as society at large has moved beyond acceptance of sinful behavior and now celebrates it. The promotion of this behavior is inescapable and spreads far wider than the borders of the United States. In light of this, I want to provide a series of messages offering clarity to many critical issues. …The current state of the world mirrors the time of Israel’s judges: “Everyone did what was right in his own eyes” (Judg. 21:25). Rebellious humanity echoes the words of Psalm 2, “Let us tear their fetters apart and cast away their cords from us!” (v. 3). The restraints have been thrown off—and mankind is paying the price….

Soon there will be no “Swing States” – Tucker Carlson – Elon Musk

This post contains a 3-minute 35-second video excerpt of a Tucker Carlson interview of Elon Musk. Musk is talking about the democratic administration and immigration. Musk indicated democrats modified immigration laws to facilitate overloading swing states with illegals. He talked about population percentages…. He quickly mentioned the “parole process” that democrats have instituted to facilitate this illegal process: CHNV. [I linked my recent post on CHNV]

Pastoral Perspective on Politics [and Voting] – Jonny Ardavanis

There are two videos in this post; the first is 6 minutes, the second, a bit over 60 minutes. The following narrative accompanied the first video at YouTube: Are you a Christian that is wondering how to approach politics and the upcoming election? In this video, Jonny answers questions such as, “should we refrain from voting if we don’t like either candidate?”, “can we vote from the lesser of two evils?” “Do we need to bring about political reform in order that there can be a spiritual revival?” The second video is a discussion panel with Todd Friel and 3 other pastors, title of that video: “Should Christians Vote for Trump? Detailed Breakdown”

What is the immigration parole process: CHNV?

A FOLLOW-UP POST TO HEARTLAND INVASION: This post explains the “immigration parole process” being used to grant illegals the rights to live and work in the USA. A half-page immigration document and two videos make the process clear and show that the Marxist left has been carrying out a carefully organized and strategic plan to place immigrants in every community they are needed to guarantee a democrat voter base. [Nowhere in the videos is that stated, but it occurred to me as I put this post together because of a movie I saw on Amazon a couple of years ago about how democrats wreck cities and states to establish a voter base. They run down the economies such that people end up subsisting on welfare; those on welfare vote for democrats because that is one of their wonderful social programs…. The DVD, There’s No Place Like Utopia, that explains such democrat strategies is linked in this post]

AGENDA Weekly – October 5-11-24 – by Curtis Bowers

This issue of AW provides briefs of the following topics and more: TRUMP RETURNS TO BUTLER, PA; MUSK SAYS GOP “MUST WIN” IN 2024; NEW STUDY: 41 MILLION CHRISTIANS MIGHT SIT OUT ELECTION; 10 STATES HAVE ABORTION ON THE BALLOT; NYT SAYS THE TRUMP/KENNEDY HEALTH AGENDA IS DANGEROUS [Anti-vaxers will agree with the new agenda]; AMERICANS CELEBRATE JIHAD; NEW STATISTICS ON THE TRANS MOVEMENT; FOREIGN AID UPDATES [aid given to other nations when ours needs to recover from storm crises]; and much more.

Heartland Invasion – Steve Cortes

The following video was posted on Agenda Weekly. It is by Steve Cortes and is about the city of Whitewater Wisconsin, the illegal invasion. The town population is 15 thousand and they have received over a thousand illegals.  Cortes interviewed a public official, a landlord, school teachers and others to call attention to the problems that this invasion of illegals has caused this Wisconsin town. Also, he spend an appropriate amount of time discussing how illegals have been the source of increased crime and intimidation of residents. Many are concerned for the safety of their families, and have to move about their community with great care and vigilance to keep from being victims of crime. 

Has America Forgotten God? Agenda Weekly 10-12-24

The message of this week’s video reminded me of a John MacArthur sermon in that Curtis’ assessment of the ills of America were shown to be consequences of our turning from God to trust in man.  God causes a nation to rise or fall based on the views / actions of a people towards Him.  Curtis gave many specifics and he called Christians to repent….

UN Communication Czar Hides from Questions on Censorship Partnership With Google – The New American

United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Communications Melissa Fleming refused to answer questions from The New American magazine’s Alex Newman about the UN partnership with Google. The alliance, which Fleming boasted about at the World Economic Forum, aims to silence voices online that contradict the UN’s narrative on issues such as climate change. Ironically, Newman asked her a question right after she finished a panel discussion on the importance of “journalism.”

“We are all in trouble” PREPARE NOW! – Elon Musk

As concerns about election integrity and immigration policy grow more intense, Elon Musk dives into a controversial topic that he believes threatens the future of American democracy. In this video, Musk argues that if Trump doesn’t win the upcoming election, it may be the last fair election in the U.S. He expresses his alarm over what he sees as the Democrat party’s strategy of allowing mass illegal immigration into swing states, stating that these new arrivals could be fast-tracked to citizenship and heavily influence the outcome of future elections….

London Police Settle with Street Preacher Arrested for Offending Muslims – The New American

London’s Metropolitan Police recently paid a $13,100 settlement to a Christian street preacher they arrested after her preaching angered a Muslim mob — the second such settlement the bobbies have paid her in two years. Hatun Tash, a former Muslim, “regularly critiques and debates the Qur’an and Islam at Speakers’ Corner,” a section of Hyde Park set aside for free speech and demonstrations…. Tash, director of the ministry Defend Christ Critique Islam (DCCI), has a YouTube channel with almost 700,000 subscribers. She claims to have seen “over 1,000 ex-Muslims” become Christians in Great Britain and to be “discipling many people” around the world.

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