Morning and Evening by C H Spurgeon for February 28 [BY FAITH, Part 1 of 2]

I was about to type the points for Pastor Ramsey’s sermon, “BY FAITH,” and as I opened my E-sword Bible program, this devotional appeared as usual. Today, it happened to be about faith, so I thought I would post it too, before I post his sermon, as I have yet to type the points. Spurgeon’s two separate messages emphasized biblical faith, Pastor Ramsey’s sermon, the next post, describes, clarifies, emphasizes… the role of faith in the Christian life.

What is Christian dominionism? From Got Questions dot Org

Christian Dominionists believe that God desires Christians to rise to power through civil systems so that His Word might then govern the nation. The belief that “America is a Christian nation” is sometimes called “soft dominionism”; the idea that God wants only Christians to hold government office and run the country according to biblical law is called “hard dominionism.” Dominion theology’s beliefs are based on Genesis 1:28, which says, “Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over….


Christian nationalism is most often employed as a derogatory term. It is crucial to realize that labels can be unfairly used to trigger an emotional response. Beliefs require more than superficial connection to biblical faith to be truly “Christian,” just as vague similarities between two ideas do not make them equivalent. Such distinctions are often lost in the exaggeration and melodrama of modern communication. It’s common to attack opposing views using the most provocative language possible. Terms like communist, hate, radical, racist, fascist, supremacist, and traitor are applied to views that don’t reasonably fit those definitions. Nationalism falls into this category, at times.

The Healing of a Boy with an Evil Spirit – Bishop J. C. Ryle / Christian Audio Devotionals

The 10-minute devotional of this post teaches the value of parents taking concerns about children to Christ in prayer; it also emphasized His readiness to help the young. Furthermore, the reader mentioned lessons we should get from the text. The reader has wonderful voice and style, and he used beautiful music to accent his reading. If you’re a parent, please listen

A Study Of Selected Verses From Proverbs 5 and 7

In Proverbs 5:5 and 6, Solomon talked about how the harlot leads one from the path of life – she has no concern for it, and will lead you from it by her wiles; and in Proverbs 7, he made a statement that she will lead a man down the path to death like an ox is led to the slaughter – he doesn’t know he is going to his death…. Some excerpts from commentaries are used to give significance and clarification to these verses and a couple from Hosea

Why Should We Believe The Bible? Mike Gendron

Not too long ago this question was only being asked by non-Christians. Today, the question is also being asked by professing Christians who are caught up in postmodernism. They say the Bible cannot be the objective truth because truth is subjective. Everyone is entitled to their own truth. Skeptics say truth can no longer be known with certainty. How would you respond to these assertions? Or how would you respond to someone who chooses to believe their religious teachings instead of the Bible? [He provided 10 reasons.] Also included: an ecumenical conference at SBC church with Roman Catholics; Pope Francis stated that to proselytize was a Pagan activity…

The Normalization of God-Hating Is REAL – Good Fight Ministries – Paganism, Part 47

Good Fight Ministries: The song Unholy performed by Sam Smith at the 2023 Grammys tells the tragic story of a father/husband walking outside of the marriage covenant and into adultery. Kim Petras, the singer alongside Sam Smith, tells the media why it was they decided on such a twisted display. Why is it that this and so many of the popular performances today are so wickedly themed?

Not By Works – Galatians 2:15-21 – Pastor Patrick Ramsey

This post contains an mp3 sermon by Pastor Patrick Ramsey on Galatians 2:15-21. The way of salvation is not by works of the law. His sermon explained in great detail why this is so. Sermon points include more information than usual because this is an important point to grasp – every religion in the world, except Christianity, [and many of them wrongly] believes that one can earn righteousness to satisfy God’s wrath against sin… to get into heaven. The Bible says that is not true. The book of Galatians makes that very clear

Christophobia: War Against Christianity – Persecution/Martyrdom of Christians Today – Peter Hammond

I received the following video notification from Christian Sermons and Audio Books this morning and was alarmed by its contents, particularly in regard to the numbers of Christians being martyred currently in the world. Video highlights are included in this post. Please listen, this is a wake up call to remind Christians that we are on a battle field and need to act accordingly….

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