Christ Our Passover – Pastor Patrick Hines – Podcast

I went to Pastor Hines Sermon Audio site to hear something on the Lord’s Supper. I decided to post the following 13-minute podcast because it provides understanding that connects the Passover with the Lord’s Supper and the gospel of Jesus Christ. I was particularly interested in improving my understanding of the Lord’s Supper, as I am discovering that my anxiety about partaking of this sacrament is typical among believers that do not rightly understand Christ’s work, believing that they have to be sufficiently worthy to partake of the bread and wine…. Also, the incarnation and the Christmas story can best be understood when one sees it in the context of God’s plan of redemption; the Passover and Calvary. Those connections are established in the material of this post

‘A Christmas Carol’ and Overcoming Devilish Greed – Epoch Times

We’ve all met people who are greedy and who never seem to have enough, even when they have plenty. Some of us may be haunted by a desire to have more: more money, more time, more affection, more fame, and so on. It is sometimes difficult to remember that we come into this world with nothing, and we leave with nothing. Maybe “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens and an illustration by Arthur Rackham can remind us of the importance of overcoming our greed.

[The Basis Of The Christmas Celebration ] God’s Purposes For Jesus’ Incarnation

I know many people who celebrate Christmas and love the season…but don’t go to church, read the Bible, believe in Christ; I also know people who adhere to the teachings of other world religions and celebrate Christmas. That is easy in this culture, because Christ has been removed from this celebration which used to bear His name but is called “The holidays” presently. So, this post has two purposes, to enable readers to understand the very reasons of Christ’s incarnation; and to help readers value Christ and being part of His kingdom rather than continuing on in their culturally conditioned oblivion and soul-killing lives.

Why Christmas is so important, especially in a year like 2020: From RenewAmerica

This is a time of many fears. There are national fears of government corruption, foreign enemies hacking sensitive government information, the pandemic, rioting and looting in our streets, and the list goes on. Plus, there are personal fears, unemployment, a failed business, domestic violence, our children’s safety and future, and even death. To us, the message of the angel comes down from heaven through the centuries, saying, “Fear not.”

Jesus’ Family Tree: Dr. Patrick Ramsey [Incarnation, Part 1]

Jesus has a family tree; He is a real human being; born in a specific time and place; His ancestry includes royal and common people – all sinners (King David; patriarch Abraham; prostitute Rahab; adulteress Bathsheba…); he had to be made like His brothers in every respect to be able to make propitiation: the mystery of His incarnation is that eternal God took on flesh and became a human being

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