Faith Is Like a Muscle and Needs to Be Exercised – Pastor Colin Smith

I am preparing a post on backsliding that mentions ‘exercising faith’ and thought I would post this article beforehand. Pastor Colin Smith explains that it is not enough to just possess faith, as those who are born again possess. One must learn to exercise it. He explains what that means. Extremely valuable information to all Christians that may not have looked into the matter; as exercising it is necessary in the Christian fight of faith.

1 Corinthians 6:18  Flee fornication… sinneth against his own body  

In my daily reading, 1 Cor. 4-7, I spent time reading commentaries on the following verse. I wanted some clarity about the underscored portion of the following verse. I read several commentaries from the e-Sword Bible app on my iPhone, two of those commentaries are pasted in below: Albert Barnes and Matthew Henry. Barnes treats only verse 18; Henry, 12-20 of 1 Cor. 6.  Scripture pasted in for those who would like to review it before reading.

Poverty of Spirit – Matthew 5:3 – a definition

This post contains one commentary explanation of poverty of spirit from Matthew 5:3; it also contains a brief excerpt from two other posts about Jonathan Edwards, the excerpts are extremely relevant to the Matthew 5:3. One of those posts gave glimpses into his struggle for obedience; the other into his analysis of what constituted a truly born again person as opposed to a false convert.

What is effectual calling? – Got Questions Ministries

My purpose in posting this article is to explain the concept of effectual calling, as it occurs often in the scriptures. And those who only read bits and pieces of scripture usually don’t understand such terms. Effectual calling occurs early in the process of salvation. Understanding such doctrines is important to having a fuller comprehension of the Christian life: how one is saved; what God is doing in the life….

BIBLICAL SERMON ILLUSTRATED: Pastor Voddie Baucham – The World the Devil and the Flesh

I recently received a question from a reader who was confused about how to discern biblical from un-biblical preaching / preachers. This post aims at helping such readers. Seasoned Christians who believe in the doctrines that come from the Protestant Reformation, know that Dr. Voddie Baucham is a great preacher. Nate Sala, the creator of this video looks carefully at Baucham’s sermon to show just why that is so. Listeners will gain in two ways from hearing the video of this post: they will hear a biblically sound sermon and get some insight into Baucham’s purposes (and the purposes of biblical preachers); furthermore, they will get a 3-point tool by which they can measure preaching they hear, at their church and elsewhere.

Christian Affliction… Being Exercised… Blessed Fruits — C H Spurgeon

C H Spurgeon’s three sermon points were: the outward appearance of our trials; blessed fruitfulness of trials; and those exercised by trials. It is a 45-minute sermon that mentioned points I had never heard on this topic. The section about being exercised is very beneficial to know if you are in the midst of trials. All Christians will eventually be there. There are sermon highlights, and several term definitions.

What does it mean to trust in Jesus? – Got Questions dot org

This brief article from Got Questions Ministries gives a thorough answer to what it means to ‘trust in Jesus.’ I am certain that if you are answering that question with your own reason, that you have answered in an incomplete way. Furthermore, most ideas about Christianity that are floating around in the social sphere are very wrong. Just read through the Bible and you will begin to see that. Mainstream, seeker friendly churches also err greatly. So, please spend 5 minutes of your time and get the correct answer.

Homosexuality – Transgenderism – Inclusivity – Lies Surrounding These – Rosaria Butterfield

The purpose of this post is to provide an informed opinion on the events of the past week, via Rosaria Butterfield. She is a former lesbian and professor of Queer studies at Syracuse U; she was born again after reading through the Bible several times to write against it. She says a bit about her past in the 1st of three 5-minute videos. Each video deals with one of the terms of the title of this post, and more about her bio is given in the introduction of the post.

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