Destroying the ‘mean tweets’ argument: Dr. Sebastian Gorka

In the following 3 minute Newsmax video, Dr. Gorka provided a patriotic perspective on the matter of Trump’s tweets as opposed to the massive failures of the Biden administration which he itemized.

I certainly agree with Gorka, but he did not even mention social Marxist political correctness, which I have come to see as the biggest problem, see the brief comments below the video:



People fear being cancelled, doxxed, shamed, rejected by friends…for standing for truth as opposed to the Marxist leftist narrative. That narrative is deemed by those who currently control society, to be the standard by which all narrative is evaluated. That is so, even though it consists of communist propaganda and is devoid of facts.

After I studied social Marxism for a year or so, and begun to understand the above, I began to see former president Trump as a warrior. He spoke his mind despite what all the followers of communism demanded he speak. They could not control him, that infuriated them and they strove to destroy him socially. Half the nation – those “followers” of communist Marxist political correctness, are terrified of voicing an opinion that does not align with pc; and they would not dream of talking about facts, those are irrelevant to them….

I used to fear voicing opinions for fear of social rejection, but after I was born-again, I could not any longer be evasive about many issues – abortion, gay marriage and such pc matters… this blog is full of posts on those topics from a biblical perspective.

So, to me, Trump’s tweets are just one more reason I love the man and what he stood for; yet I would never put a Trump bumper sticker on my vehicle, as I don’t want the doors kicked in….

Featured Image: captured from video