New York City Pays Mobile Medical Services Company to Bus Migrants to Other Locations – American Faith

The following article was copied and pasted from American Faith:

New York City Pays Mobile Medical Services Company to Bus Migrants to Other Locations

New York City paid $432 million to DocGo, a medical services company, to bus illegal immigrants to upstate areas in the state.

The no-bid contract was not approved by the city comptroller.

Migrants said they were offered accommodations and jobs, but were instead given fake residency permits.

Officials in the towns receiving the migrants were not given any information on the individuals.

DocGo reportedly said that they could not share information due to patient privacy laws.

Over half of the counties in New York have declared a state of emergency over the increase of migrants.

New York City began using churches and places of worship to house migrants in June after a plan to place migrants in school gyms was criticized by parents.

Reporting from RT:

At the SureStay, security guards allegedly threatened to kick the migrants out of the ‘program’ if they were caught talking to reporters and could be seen in a video posted by the NYT threatening to beat up one interview subject for “talking too much.” Signs plastered all over the hotel warned migrants in four languages that being caught drinking, smoking, or engaging in “threatening behavior” would render them ineligible for asylum. DocGo removed the signs when questioned by the Times, claiming it was unaware of their existence, and NYC officials claimed there was no rule prohibiting media interviews.
End American Faith article
Could this also be about spreading the new democratic voters out to as many counties as possible?

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