The following videos are part of Curtis Bowers’ Agenda Weekly for July 29 – August 4, 2023.

Curtis breaks down the weaponization of food and the globalists’ end goals. Global elites want to cut population and increase poverty in prosperous countries by creating food and energy shortages, eliminating private food production through massive regulations, and monopolizing food through genetically modified products. Stalin starved five million, Mao starved over 30 million, and today’s elites want to eliminate seven and a half billion people to “save the planet.” Curtis gives practical advice on how to unplug from the “Big System” and educate others to do the same.


Featured Videos

You can share this week’s Behind the Scenes video here or the audio at this link.


Watch: THE DIMMING: Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary (116 minutes). Geo-engineering Watch documents the facts behind chemtrails.

Watch: Food, Inc: FULL Documentary, 2008 (93 minutes). The documentary is 15 years old, but the information is far more relevant today.

Watch: New Data Shows Deaths and Disabilities Continue to Skyrocket (25 minutes). Edward Dowd discusses the rising rate of non-COVID illness and excess deaths since 2021, with new alarming data on the skyrocketing rate of cardiovascular and hematological deaths, and how these numbers may lead to a global economic crisis. Note: to watch, click the link or photo above.

Watch: Tucker: Exposing the Biden Crime Family (11 minutes). Tucker interviews Hunter Biden’s former close friend and business associate Devon Archer, who recently testified before Congress.

Watch: 10 Straight Minutes of Democrats Objecting to Elections They Lost (10 minutes). Democrats don’t think we remember all of their lies about past elections, but we do.

Watch: Electric Car Crash (1 minute). For those considering electric vehicles, watch what happens to the batteries if the car catches on fire.

Articles of the Week

Read: Did FDR Bait the Japanese to Attack Pearl Harbor to Arouse USA Isolationists to Enter World War II? by Jerome Corsi. “FDR not only knew about the Pearl Harbor attack in advance but wanted it to happen.”

Read: Two Sets of Laws for Two Americas by Victor Davis Hanson. “Leftwing Democrats are systematically dismantling the constitutional foundations of the U.S.”

Read: How the American Culture of Convenience Is Killing Us by Daisy Luther. “Between a combination of low-quality food and extremely sedentary lifestyles, the majority are killing themselves with convenience.”

Prayer and Action

Pray for victory in the important upcoming August 8 Issue 1 vote in Ohio. Praise God for the over 250 churches that have already banded together for this critical fight!

Please pray for President Donald Trump as he faces his third and by far most serious indictment.

Pray for Trump’s soul, that He would become born again if He does not know the Lord, and rooted in God’s Word as the anchor for his life.

Pray that more Americans would understand that Trump is innocent and the Biden regime is weaponizing justice against all Americans who dissent.

Take some time to inventory your preparedness situation.

  • Long term food supplies.
  • Personal food production: gardens, fruit trees, animals, seeds, hand tools, locals with experience.
  • Reliable water source and purification systems.
  • Secure shelter from weather and criminals.
  • Energy sources: wood, propane, generator, batteries, candles, flashlights lighters, gas.
  • Protection: stun gun, pepper spray, hand gun, shotgun, hunting rifle, assault rifle and extra ammo. Strong locks, alarm systems, fencing, automatic lights, etc.
  • Health products: medications, vitamins and first aid supplies, hygiene products, and paper products.
  • Durable tools: bicycles, outdoor grill with propane, cash, gold and silver, solar powered shortwave radio, sleeping bags rated for your climate, bartering items, satellite phones.
  • Books on all of the above.
  • For more practical suggestions, visit The Organic PrepperDeep Roots at HomeCity Prepping, and The Survival Mom.

Diligently work at building relationships with those who live near you. Build friendships and trust with your neighbors and seek ways to be involved in your community and church.

Remember that increasing preparedness takes time, effort, and finances. Set goals to incrementally work towards, remember that it is an ongoing process, and seek to balance these efforts with faithful stewardship in the other important areas of life. Every area you add skills or supplies moves you a few steps closer to being more prepared for whatever comes your way.

If you are interested in setting up a meeting or event for Curtis, feel free to email us this week at Please put MEETING in the subject line, along with potential city and state and any other helpful details.

If you live in Ohio, be sure to get out and vote in favor of Issue 1 on August 8, and encourage your friends to do the same. This is a critical battle for life and family that directly impacts other states as well. See more here.

Leftists in Congress are trying to attach extreme gun-control measures to the “must-pass” National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Urge your U.S. representative and senators to strongly oppose all gun control, including within the NDAA. Find your elected officials here, or call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121.

Memory verse of the week: 2 Timothy 2:15, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

You can share this week’s Behind the Scenes video here or the audio at this link.

Patriot Spotlight

“As always, thank you for your consistent effort in informing us about the important issues taking place in the world” –Heather R.

Stories and Questions

We’d love to hear what you’re doing to make a difference! Please send us your stories. If you have a question you’d like us to answer in our weekly videos, you can email Although we’re not able to respond to every email, we greatly appreciate your comments, feedback, and suggestions.


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