Justification by Faith Alone; Faith; and Repentance explained

This post contains a link to a Study Helps post from this blog with 5 very brief videos that explain faith, justification, the gospel and trusting in Christ and not one’s works. The videos range from 1-4 minutes; and one is 8-minutes long. Additionally, it contains a post from the category of ‘justification’ with several videos on that topic. I recommend hearing the one by R C Sproul and by McMahon.

In the first post, the 4th video is by Pastor Paul Washer. It provides a good example of how believers fail to trust fully in the finished work of Christ because they are busy trusting in their own performance. His example is worth hearing several times because numerous common mistakes are addressed therein.

That example begins at the 3-minute mark, but his words before that are important to the topic.

The other videos are very related, they provide definitions of faith, repentance and justification.

These doctrines are basic, foundational, to the Christian faith; it is important to understand their definitions.

Click on ‘continue reading’ within each of the following posts to be taken there:


Christian Study Helps, a checklist; and videos highlighting important aspects of the Christian Walk:


In case you would like to hear more about justification, the following linked post contains Piper’s 4-minute video and one by R C Sproul and another theologian named McMahon. I recommend hearing Sproul and McMahon for a fuller understanding of justification.

The remaining two videos are about Jonathan Edwards and about Reformed theology.


Justification By Faith Alone

YouTube certainly has other videos by biblical preachers like Sproul and McArthur on justification for those who want a fuller definition.

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