Pastor Patrick Hines Podcast Romans 12:1-2 and Q&A

This post contains an excerpt and the full video from which it derives. It covers some widely misunderstood scriptures regarding ‘calling’ by God and much more that is relevant to the Christian life. Pastor Hines opened with the intention of discussing Romans 12:1-2, but via questions from listeners was led into explaining the phrase ‘God desires all to be saved….’ He explained two passages related to that from 1 Timothy 2 and 2 Peter 3. [Highlight points follow excerpt.]

How to face trials in life – James 1:2-4 – Bible Munch

In less than 4 minutes, Pastor Nelson, of Bible Munch, makes some very understandable statements about dealing with trials, troubles, pain… something that every Christian needs to know. This post also contains a brief comment on Jesus’ words, “Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation.” The comment is from Barnes’ Notes on the Bible. Both work together to provide greater understanding.

ONGOING SIN – Pastor Paul Washer

In the video of this post, Paul Washer calmly communicates important points about ongoing sin in the daily Christian life. I found the video very encouraging and informative, and believe that others can also benefit from his insights on this major matter in the Christian life. [A list of bullet points precedes his video]

The Gospel of Jesus Christ – Booklet – by Paul Washer

This post is for people who aren’t quite clear on the gospel and want to know it better; or for those who have witnessed the gospel and want to also provide material for reviewing discussion points…. The initial couple of minutes of the video explaining Washer’s booklet cover the following points: who is God; what is man – it is essential that believers understand these two points from a biblical perspective; what God has done to satisfy His own justice and to simultaneously be able to show mercy to the wicked; why was the resurrection necessary; what does it mean to believe; how can you know that you believe; what does it mean to repent; how can you know that you actually have repented; what is assurance and how can you grow in it….


This post contains a 12-minute video, read by Pastor Mark Fitpatrick of Arann Reformed Baptist Church. Arann Reformed Baptist Church It is from Christian Sermons and Audio Books, YouTube. [Owen is still regarded as a foremost authority on the topics of temptation and the mortification of sin. All Christians have to understand this topic and have tools for fighting the good fight….]

Romans 1:8-17 by Pastor Patrick Hines

This post contains an 11-minute video podcast by Pastor Patrick Hines on Romans 1:8-17. Verses 16 and 17 are about the gospel; he spent time speaking about justification by faith alone and trusting in the finished work of Christ. He plans to do podcasts through Romans, so this topic and the various important, related topics will come up numerous times. [However, I have to say that I have spent many years trying to firmly grasp the idea of trusting ‘only’ in Christ’s finished work and that is a very difficult thing to do; that is, to do it, you must clearly see when you are trusting in your performance or in some other thing besides Christ’s work. The Holy Spirit shows one what he/she is placing trust in, rather than Christ. The next post will deal with this topic. Pastor Hines will likely deal with it at some point, but I don’t think a believer can hear to much about this critical topic.]

The Fearful End of Ignorance – Studies in The Pilgrim’s Progress by Thomas Sullivan

This post is about a sermon on The Pilgrim’s Progress, focusing on the character ‘ignorance.’ The contents of the post emphasized how this is relevant to all Christians who are born again and walking in the WAY; in other words, on pilgrimage through the wilderness of this world. Highlight points identify the contents of the 40-minute sermon with some statements from the sermon. Also, there is a link to a post from last week that identifies all the characters in Bunyan’s book and concepts, themes…. Besides the Bible, Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress is the most meaningful book you will read about the Christian walk. It identifies many aspects of the Christian battle, especially diversions temptations, lies, false teachers… that take a believer off the true path. The believer must return to that path after becoming aware of being temporarily duped, deceived, tricked….

The Sinful Desire of Lust – Eros love – Mini-Series 3B

This post contains a 3-minute video by Dr. Heath Lambert about LUST. At the YouTube site, Zondervan, the video was titled, Why Can’t I Stop Watching Porn? He provides a biblical understanding of Lust and explains how it drives that craving for MORE. More money, power, material objects… porn. Those struggling from addiction of any kind will benefit from hearing his biblical explanation of the problem of lust. This post is a further explanation of eros love as described in post 3 of this mini-series. Dr. Spencer’s video is attached to this video also, it provides a thorough explanation of eros in the initial 4 moments of teaching; also, a video by Dr Spencer on lascivious is included; it identifies eros that has progressed to a near soul-damning state.

Proverbs 5:22  The iniquities of the wicked ensnare him…. [Explained from Commentaries]

The two verses looked at in this post are some of the most frightening in the Bible. They are about those people who think they are getting away with sinning. These not only apply to the believer who is backsliding, but to those marauders who are doing smash and grabs; to those manipulators cheating to win elections; those malevolent globalists creating vaccines to harm others and rid the earth of them, or who are orchestrating famines to accomplish that end… but they are God’s words to all who think they can get away with sinning: the act of sin carries its own punishment. [I reviewed these for my own edification, as my attitude towards some sins is not yet biblical; hopefully, others will find this post worthy of contemplating.]

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