Transgender Wedding Controversy… Alistair Begg… Clarity

This post contains a video that looks at several aspects of the Alistair Begg counsel regarding a transgender wedding: it opens with a brief intro about the issue at hand; Alistair Begg’s counsel; the American Family Association Response to Begg’s counsel; John Piper’s response and his biblical counsel for that situation; and a conclusion. The beginning times for each section of the video are provided for those who only want to hear a portion; also, links to source video.

Give Sin a Name: Things Unseen with Sinclair B Ferguson

Pastor Sinclair Ferguson began a new podcast titled, Things Unseen in 2024. Each episode is 4-6 minutes in length. This post contains the episode of 1-19-24 and a link to the other 14 messages he has thus far aired. I got my post of yesterday, John Newton’s hymn, via a reference he made to search the hymn. Ferguson’s most recent several podcasts have been about character types of Christians that Newton identified in a little book he wrote. Each character flaw will remind you of Christians you are in the midst of, perhaps, yourself. Ferguson’s purpose seems to help Christians identify their own flaws for future prayer….

James 1: 2-11 – Trials – Pastor Patrick Ramsey

This post contains a sermon from James 1: 2-11 on God’s purpose in sending trials and how to deal with them such that you might begin to know Christian maturity, fullness… being made perfect. Since all Christians will encounter trials from God to grow their faith, it is critical that you know how to go through these trials; upon what you should focus and why that ought to be your focus. This sermon makes those things very clear.

What is the Keswick movement, and is it biblical? – Got Questions Ministries

This post is explains some errors of Keswick theology by comparing it with scripture. An excerpt: After salvation one must have another encounter with the Spirit; otherwise, he or she will not progress into holiness or the “deeper” things of God. This second encounter with the Spirit, in Keswick terminology, is called “entire sanctification,” “the second blessing,” or “the second touch.” This emphasis on a second, post-salvation experience corresponds with the Pentecostal idea of the “baptism” of the Spirit. Some Keswick teachers would even say that sinless perfection is possible after one receives the “second blessing.”

Isaiah 40:31 Waiting upon the Lord

This post contains Bible commentary on Isaiah 40:31, about waiting on the Lord. The comments are from Barnes’ Notes on the Bible; but there is a link to commentaries on the verse at Bible Hub, for those who would like to read other commentators. The concept of ‘waiting’ on God is found often in scripture and something that we all need to understand and seek God’s help in doing.

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