What Truth Underlies The Pro-Choice Stance?

This video does a good job revealing the cloud of Satanic deception over this nation. Using scripture and imagery that portray real events, the vlogger opposed secular pro-abortion arguments. Although the video takes a strong stance against abortion, and other addictions, I am sure that John Henry, and pastors Baucham and MacArthur believe that there is forgiveness for repented sin with God. So, the chief message is that the rampant sin in this society is Satanic deception; and that one might escape the bondage of such deception by turning to God, repenting of and forsaking sin.

The Conditions of Power in Prayer – Charles Spurgeon

This post contains a C H Spurgeon sermon on prayer: there is a 14-minute excerpt on a sermon point that will give you insight into the quality of your own faith regarding prayer. Spurgeon talked about prayer in terms of the relationship of a child to his earthly father; his examples were the best I’ve heard in terms of revealing one’s faith. If you desire to have answered prayers…and to grow in faith and love of God, then you will certainly benefit from hearing what he said. The entire sermon is also posted herein, and I highly recommend it, as the excerpt only covers one sermon point.