The following 3-minute video was part of the video group with Curtis Bowers’ Agenda Weekly that I posted earlier today; but realizing that many may not be interested in sorting through those videos, I wanted to post this one alone. I closely followed numerous investigations on election fraud that occurred in 2020, and many came forward to testify about the events surrounding voting machines, as there were about other forms of cheating. But no one in authority did anything. Perhaps they were afraid to? Or maybe they were secretly on the side of the cheaters? Or????

The Battle of Our Lives: Good vs. Evil – Agenda Weekly Video

The Agenda Weekly video by Curtis Bowers discusses the following points this week: The Globalist Cabal is more than just power hungry men who want to rule the world. It is a cult of darkness that has been funded and given positions of power by their master Lucifer. Too often, we forget that it really is a spiritual battle we face, and the weapons of this world have little effect on the outcome. The elites want to enslave mankind, and that is why they have tirelessly worked to create a world that is immoral. Why? Because immoral men need masters. [Also, 5 support videos are attached to this post for those who might want additional information about topics Curtis discussed.]

Mother of Newborn Regrets Gender Transition in Her Youth – Epoch Times

Strongin, now 24, joins a growing number of “detransitioners” who lament the “gender-affirming care” such as puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and gender transition surgery they received as teens and young adults. …Strongin was distrustful of her parents, especially her mom, and she blames “trans influencers” on social media for planting those seeds of doubt. “It’s definitely really cult-like,” she said. “I thought these online communities were my adopted family. That’s one of the tactics: ‘Oh, if your mom doesn’t accept you, I’m your mom now.’” Lonely and confused, Strongin said the most important message she needed to hear was that “there was nothing wrong with me.”