2020 Clarity: Reflecting on God’s Goodness in the Last Year: Dr. John MacArthur

2020 resembled, the church at war, with trials such as the following: every Sunday since August, LA county has tried to close Grace Church; then they tried to revoke the lease of their parking lot; the courts ruled in GC church’s favor… MacArthur loves it that we will be seeing the True Church and The Lie, that is all; there will be no fake church, as the price will be too great to call yourself a Christian if you really aren’t …Those evangelical elite who have embraced social justice, for example, will obviously be part of the lie: under God’s justice all are equal, that is, if you sin, you are held accountable; under SJ, those who sin are called to blame their sinning on others… The Christian life is about two crucifixions: of Christ and the believer: you signed up for death… Firstly, “I am crucified in Christ.” You came to Christ and repented, therein was a death… The second crucifixion is that of consecration, as Luke 9 calls us to take up our cross, deny ourselves and follow Him: death of self is the sanctifying… Paul said, “I die daily”