Virtue Signalling and Victim Status Claims by SJWs Indicates Dark Triad Personality Disorder

Machiavellianism, narcissism and psychopathy are the dark triad personality disorders a new psychological study found social justice warriors (SJWs) to possess, based upon patterns of conduct.

In the following 16 minute video by Daisy Cousens, she explains the psychological study.

The following points are video highlights which include definitions of terms: [all emboldening, underscoring, orange text and square brackets are mine]

  • Psychopathy:  superficial charm, high intelligence, poor judgment, failure to learn from experience, risk taking, pathological egocentricity, incapacity for love, lack of shame / remorse / empathy, impulsivity, elevated sense of self-worth, pathological lying, manipulative behavior, poor self-control, promiscuity, juvenile delinquency, sometimes criminal versatility
  • Narcissism: grandiose sense of self-importance, lack of empathy, need for excessive admiration, belief one is unique and deserving of special treatment; in extreme cases, may manifest as antagonism, fueled by grandiosity and attention seeking
  • Machiavellianism: this personality trait involves manipulativeness, and deceit; cynical views towards human nature; and a cold, calculating attitude. This term derives from the political philosophies of Italian writer Niccolo Machiavelli who advocated cunning and deceit, coining the phrase, “the end justifies the means.”
  • Those possessing the psychological trait of Psychopathy may harm others for fun; of Narcissism, may harm others because they lack empathy; and of Machiavellianism, may deceive others to advance themselves, not considering the consequences
  • This dark triad describes a person who is callous, manipulative, and willing to do or say anything to get what they want; they have an inflated perception of themselves and will shamelessly self-promote; they lack impulse control and may engage in dangerous behaviors regardless of the impact on others [see link below for a fuller description of the SJWs of the progressive left in the USA]
  • Seems to describe typical SJW behavior well
  • The study indicated that these behaviors can be predicted by the frequency of virtue signalling engaged in by a person
  • Virtue signalling: The conspicuous expression of moral values done primarily with the intent of enhancing one’s standing within the social group; this is certainly behavior associated with the “regressive” (not progressive, based on the nature of the left’s people, their conduct and impact on society) left
  • Buzz words used by SJWs:  Tolerance, compassion, empathy; “on the right side of history:” these terms indicate how wonderful they think they are, and generate positive responses from leftist comrades
  • They affirm their moral high ground by lying on and attacking the morality of those with whom they disagree, to intimidate and humiliate rather than to critique opposing arguments
  • Their attacks demonstrate zero tolerance, empathy…but gain them points with their comrades
  • Communal Narcissism:  The study found that virtue signalling is typically combined with Victim Status to net the social payoff they seek from comrades
  • Several examples of communal Narcissism
  • One may also signal “virtue” by being an ally: claiming to support BLM, Trans…
  • These communal narcissistic SJWs preach tolerance…and exhibit very thuggish, abhorrent conduct, believing they are justified in so doing – undoubtedly, their group supports these claims [but law-abiding, reasonable, logical, citizens believe they are psychopathic…and this study concurs with the reasonable citizens]
  • Example of Daisy Cousens herself being cancelled by the SJW mob virtue victim signallers
  • Dark triad traits perfectly describe the regressive left
  • Moral immunity: these SJWs believe that because they can claim victim status, and since they are signalling virtue, they are immune to typical social consequences for acting so irresponsibly
  • Moral immunity is a SUBJECTIVE state; [that is, the SJWs and their allies alone believe they do not deserve consequences for their outlandishly irresponsible and destructive behavior]
  • They believe that no non-victim has a right to critique their conduct
  • Daisy Cousens believes the dark triad theory doesn’t quite describe the typical SJW conduct, she added one element: sadism
  • Sadism:  When one derives pleasure through cruelty and inflicting pain, and humiliation, and other forms of suffering on others
  • The above does not describe all SJWs; some are merely silly; were brainwashed at university; are psychologically damaged and act out their pain on others, etc.
  • However, most SJWs fit the above psychological assessment criteria
  • Through virtue signalling and claiming victim status, they exaggerate their own personal harm [to justify their outlandish and irresponsible conduct]



The following link describes the progressive left of Obama and Clinton; if you examine the characteristics listed, you will see that there is very much in common with the psychological traits noted in this post:

For other similar posts, see Categories: Social Justice / Identity Politics; Propaganda Exposed; Progressive Govt. / Socialism / Communism.