Two Worldviews Clash In The UK and In The USA: Melanie Phillips’ Description of UK Also Describes USA

In the UK, the conflict between Brexit and the progressive party, as described by Melanie Phillips; perfectly describes the clash of worldviews unfolding on our streets.

M. Phillips’ description of Brexit and its supporters, is an apt description of republicans, Trump and Trump voters: nationalism vs globalism; American jobs vs the global economy….

The UK progressive party views them as deplorables, as do the progressives in the USA.

This is a clash of worldviews that will decide the shape of our nation for at least 4 years; but usually, when communism is adopted by a nation, it stays until that society collapses: consider Russia; Venezuela and other 20th century Marxist experiments.

Please listen carefully to this 3 minute excerpt to decide which political model best describes what you value, as election day is fast approaching.

M. Phillips did not speak of Marxism in the brief excerpt, I am not sure if her full discussion did or not, I only listened to half of it.

In the USA, Marxism is on the ballot: Biden and Harris.

Their supporters seem to be willingly oblivious to all the millions of deaths by cruelty and starvation that occurred under Marxism in the 20th century.

Socialism utterly ruined Venezuela’s prosperous economy, that was rich due to oil revenue. People are starving there. The government already gave away everyone else’s money to the people, they have nothing left (except the $millions the ruling elite is hoarding).

Venezuela’s Marxist policies destroyed capitalism and when that was destroyed, the production of necessary things like food, was detrimentally impacted.

Not a pretty picture.

That could be America in a decade, if Biden is elected.

Yeah, the voters did get some free things (taken from other industrious individuals in Venezuela), but when the freebees ran out, there was nothing left.

Those who wanted Marxism, are left with nothing but starvation; and what of their children’s future?

Instead of starvation, many have apparently turned to crime and the streets are not safe to walk.

If they can’t escape to America, then they must face starvation and poverty; or become criminals.



A 4 minute video about Venezuela’s plight:



Daniel’s description of America did not include what we now see in democratic progressive leftist Marxist cities, those are like Venezuela: Marxist political correctness overrules free speech; they burn the American flag; they do not operate under the rule of law; they hate the republic of America, the leaders do not defend the safety of their citizens….

Below are the links to John Anderson’s site and Melanie Phillips full interview:

Melanie Phillips puts forward her analysis of the Brexit situation. Full conversation here:…


Marxist leaders are seemingly not the kind of people who know anything about industry; yet they take over society; inevitably, it crumbles.

The democratic progressive left is much like the Marxists, they do not know how to build a nation, but only how to criticize and tear down. If America were under the leadership of Biden, Harris, and the squad, then it will be shredded by these utopian dreamers.

Voters must remember that every Marxist regime promised a utopian dream wherein equality would be known by all; not one has resulted in anything like that; but in its opposite: death by cruelty: firing squad, starvation, military slaughter….

If you think I’m exaggerating, just check out 20th century history, and take heed, because it may be coming to a neighborhood near you.

However, president Trump, on the other hand, knows how to build; understands industry and creating jobs. He is the kind of person who can make a society flourish; he has demonstrated that already.

Do you want to live in an economically flourishing nation wherein you might voice your opinion without fear of losing your job, being beaten, spat upon, ridiculed, harassed…, then vote Trump in 2020.

I also recommend voting out the republicans who have not yet supported Trump when he is in dire straits such as over the riot situations; I didn’t hear a peep from republicans; they were also hiding from the Marxist politically correct mobs. I plan on voting for new republicans who might support Trump in 2020.

And anyone who would vote for a democratic politician obviously does not value his own safety or that of his family’s.

I notice that everyone is afraid of the politically correct mafia-like mob that cancels, hates, fires…those who do not bow down. EVERYONE EXCEPT PRESIDENT TRUMP; HE IS A WARRIOR; HE HAS HAD TO ENDURE MUCH HATE FOR 4 YEARS; and he is still enduring.

Yeah, his speech is a bit crude sometimes, but he always says what he wants to say; that is, he does not worship the PC mob.

Furthermore, leaders who worship the mob are not fit to rule the people who have elected them. We have had plenty of recent examples that demonstrate this fact!


For other similar posts in this blog, see, Categories: Progressive Govt. / Socialism / Communism; Propaganda Exposed; Social Justice / Identity Politics