The two brief videos below are from the writings of puritan John Owen. They are encouragements to use the means of grace provided by God as in Acts 2:42ff.

These videos are from the YouTube ministry of Christian Sermons and Audio Books to which I subscribe.

The following 5 minute video is encouragement to use prayer against temptation:



The following 8 minute video encourages one to use the benefits of Christ to kill sin:





***Listen to the teaching series on Pilgrim’s Progress free to Amazon Prime members. It is a 19 part series by Ligonier Ministries. Derek Thomas explains the allegory of Pilgrim’s Progress in a video classroom setting. I read the book after my first read of the Bible and found it to precisely describe the biblical pilgrimage. John Bunyan was a minister and spent 12 years in prison for his faith. He was a contemporary of John Owen. (It would not be too meaningful to one who has not read through the Bible; to one who is not striving to walk with the Lord Jesus Christ; thus, it is a good idea to read through your Bible beforehand.)

***Book: Overcoming Sin and Temptation by John Owen; edited by Kelly Kapic and Justin Taylor. They made the language of Owen readable to the modern person. This is the best Christian writing on these topics. Available on Amazon for $15.

***See, categories (in this blog), Spiritual Warfare: Sexual Sin; Battling Unbelief…by John Piper.

***See, Archives, February 2019: Means of Grace post

***See, categories: Beatitude Life posts. In studying the beatitudes, I came to believe that they are inlign with the process of sanctification: beginning with poverty of spirit; then mourning sin; then meekness…. When one has poverty of spirit, he clearly sees that he is spiritually bankrupt; that his righteousness comes via justification — imputed to him by God from the merit of Christ’s righteous life and atoning work on the cross….