Protesters, Looters, and Radical Marxists: An Assessment From One Who Was On The Streets of NYC

Curtis Sliwa, founder of the Guardian Angels, provided a description of the NYC protests and riots from direct experience.

In his interview with Epoch Times, American Thought Leaders, he described how he and his men fought off looters to protect a Foot Locker store; he also clarified the various groups that were on the street; and the strategies of the looters and Antifa.

Furthermore, he explained why the NYPD’s hands were figuratively tied during the riots, looting and vandalism.

No video I’d seen on the chaos that occurred in NYC provided such a perspective. And his account of the events is more believable than any news report, as he has made it his business to know what is unfolding on the streets of his city. 

If you have wondered about the affiliations among the various groups, their goals and reasons for being out there, then your questions will be answered.



For more posts on the protests; progressive leftist democrats and their lenient stance on crime…see, Categories: Progressive Govt. / Socialism / Communism; and Propaganda Exposed.