Fake News and Lying Progressive Leftists On Video

The following 7 minute video reveals the FAKE NEWS MEDIA RESPONSE to two events: the peaceful protest of workers who wanted to return to work in Michigan; and protests over George Floyd’s death.

It is clear that the fake news and progressive leftist politicians are in collusion!

The video commentaries prove that the fake news media is leftist and pumping out propaganda to help the leftist politicians get in office and usher in a socialist government whereby they may control your most basic freedoms — as during the pandemic.



Earlier in the above video (I cut due to length), they were talking about news agencies that the Chinese comm. party is funding to give them positive spin. The Wall Street Journal received: 6 million dollars; the Washington Post: 4.6 million dollars….

No wonder Jeff Bezos, of Amazon; who owns the Washington Post, is for BLM (who is affiliated with Antifa) — a leftist Marxist group, because the CCP most likely requires him to support them to go on receiving funds?

If you are interested in the informed opinion of one who lived in the USSR, under socialism in the 20th century, watch the following 11 minute video; the USSR treated its people just like the Antifa radicals are treating dissenters: beating them into submission.

If you support them, thinking that you will be among the elite when the revolutionary dust settles, then you better think again. The elite class in socialist nations usually isn’t that large. Do an internet search and find out, there were plenty of examples in the 20th century and the CCP is a working example: dissenters have their organs harvested and sold on the black market, or they’re put in re-education camps to learn new ways….

Around 150 million people lost their lives in the 20th century at the hands of socialist leaders.



If you want real news, then check out the following news agencies: Fox; Epoch Times; Americas voice; Daily Caller and NTD.

Rationale for posts such as this:

I am a Christian who opposes leftist propaganda because the left is socialist and is against:  the family; freedom of worship, speech, assembly; ownership of guns…. T

They would have us all depend upon them for everything, as in China today. They would rule over you as those leftist did during the pandemic….

That is, the republic of America is in danger as long as these people are in office.


For similar posts in this blog, see Categories: Progressive Govt. / Socialism / Communism; Propaganda Exposed; and Paganism / Neo Paganism.

All of these categories address movements that oppose Christianity and that are ubiquitous in the western world. You may not even know that you’re being influenced by their ideologies. Be informed and know what opposes Christ in our culture.