Parallels between Brexit and The Trump Campaign

Brexit is a group that wants to exit the European Union. The following 3 minute video explains their rationale which is very similar to Trump’s campaign priorities  – concerns which the majority of the American people support:


  • Trade – jobs
  • Laws
  • Immigration – borders


  • Corporations VS
  • Working people who want jobs and better wages


Foreign governments that support the EU and oppose Brexit (2016):

  • Obama
  • Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany
  • Xi Jinping, Communist totalitarian ruler of China

Listening to the following 3 minute video will enable you to see the above parallels between the Brexit movement in Europe and the Republican vs Democratic Marxist Progressive Leftist movement in USA.



It is apparent that blue collar workers in Britain and in the USA are tired of being exploited: losing jobs to foreign countries and being financially exploited by large corporations.

However, if you are the owner of a large corporation or are a career criminal, then the USA Democratic Leftist Progressive Marxist party; or the EU Progressive party is definitely your party.