Lies of The Surveillance State: Edward Snowden Explains How it Already Impacts You: Paganism, part 18

There are 4 videos below wherein Edward Snowden describes what is happening in our world with electronic surveillance, and bulk data collection.

The following 22 minute video describes government dishonesty regarding bulk data collection and cites some of the companies involved.

If you know nothing about this topic, then you will be richly rewarded by watching these videos; additionally, you may get ideas about how to minimize the impact of surveillance upon your life.



The following 24 minute video explains surveillance, particularly regarding cell phone technology. Please watch the first video before this one as it is much more informative in a general way.



The following two very brief videos tell of the impact on Snowden’s life and those who helped him escape the US Government.



The following 4 minute video is 5 years old, it is an interview by the BBC that speaks to surveillance and governments, and how Snowden’s life has been impacted by his whistle blowing.



Surveillance is likely to become a bigger issue if a socialist government is instituted in the USA by voters.

I have limited knowledge about the deep state and electronic surveillance, but the new one-world order will apparently be managed via fake news, propaganda, surveillance…these things were a given in the communist governments of the 20th century.