Freedom vs Tyranny: Secretary of State Mike Pompeo

The following 2 minute NTD video of Secretary Pompeo, speaking at the 2020 Copenhagen Democracy Summit, stated that the CCP is forcing those European nations with whom it interacts to choose between freedom and tyranny.

Below that, is a 34 minute NTD News video about how the CCP has infiltrated America in various ways, targeting state governments and universities by providing financial support so that it can disseminate its propaganda and profit in other ways, with the goal of gaining advantage over the USA.

The links after the second video show how communist leftist organizations in this country are working via similar tactics: people are presently losing their jobs for not bowing down to Marxist political correctness. Their goal is to replace our democratic form of government with socialism.




The following 34 minute NTD report shows how the CCP has been manipulating America by subtly infiltrating its agencies, academia…to promote its form of government via propaganda. They gain inroads via financial contributions to needy states, universities, etc.




American federal, state and local governments must not only be aware of how the CCP is trying to propagandize them, but we must understand that leftist organizations in this country are also busy doing the same.

The aim of these organizations is to institute authoritarian forms of government: socialism / communism.

US organizations are succeeding by the social Marxist tool of political correctness:

The following link is to an article on the Federalist, about people who have lost their jobs for not supporting BLM

The Twitter link below lists prominent US people (from the Federalist article above) who have lost their jobs for speaking against BLM or not vigorously supporting them: to see posts about those who have been fired, click on “show this thread” under the first post at the top of the page.

To see other posts in this blog about progressive leftist government; propaganda…see: Categories: Progressive Govt. / Socialism / Communism; Propaganda Exposed.