Democrat, Psychologist / Author, Attended Trump Rally; She Shares Her Discoveries

Psychologist, Karlyn Borysenko uploaded posts on social media after she attended a Trump rally because she wanted to alert democrats that the leftist narrative about Trump and his followers is not accurate.

Her posts went viral and were tweeted by Fox News, Beck, Trump Jr….

She suffered socially for sharing what she discovered, as a result of her interactions with Trump followers at the rally.

If you are a democrat, it might benefit you to hear what she had to say about her experience.



From Rubin’s site:

Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks to Karlyn Borysenko (Psychologist and Author) about why a lifelong liberal decided to attend a Trump rally and then walk away from the Democratic party.

Karlyn’s experience with online woke mobs and cancel culture inspired her to seek out other points of view.

She decided to attend a Trump rally despite her friends warnings not to. She describes what it was like being a Democrat attending a Trump event and how she was treated there.

She then documented her experience in an article on Medium as a warning to Democratic Party.

The reactions to her article caused her to lose clients and friends. Despite this, she shares why leaving the left has actually improved her life.

Watch Dave Rubin’s full interview with Karlyn Borysenko here:…