A Giant Among Preachers of the Heretical Prosperity Gospel, Kenneth Copeland

The following 10 minute video on Kenneth Copeland, reveals errors in Copeland’s ministry other than his unbiblical prosperity preaching: he doesn’t understand church history; the doctrine of justification; or the unbiblical nature of ecumenism.

Vlogger, Polite Leader explained Copeland’s errors regarding church history and justification; he didn’t address ecumenism, but suffice to say that those who promote it advocate throwing out anything that divides so that they might unite the various religions / denominations.

The Pope and Rick Warren, for example, would have Christians unite with Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism…. Obviously, Christianity and those other religions would have to be gutted to accomplish unity among them; they wrongly believe that to be a small price to pay.

Anyone who has read through the New Testament, would quickly realize that ecumenism aims to create a man-made religion, God opposes such proud endeavors: all you have to do to understand God’s opposition to movements like ecumenism is to read through your Bible.

Your soul depends upon it!

Such proud, man-made systems began early on in Genesis and continue into Revelation; they all begin with rebellion from God’s appointed way, found in His word.



The following link is to Polite Leader’s video page: https://www.youtube.com/@PoliteLeader/videos

The American Gospel is free to view on Netflix in the documentary genre; it is very worth watching.

For those who are not clear on what the biblical GOSPEL message is, please see, Categories, Gospel Message; Gospel Message Defined. There is one post with several brief video that aims at clearly explaining the gospel message.

For Those not clear on the biblical doctrine of justification, see Categories, Justification. Therein, very brief videos are used to explain that doctrine. It is the most foundational doctrine in the Bible. To not know it is to not have a foundation under your Christian house, see Matthew chapter 7 to understand the value of that metaphor given by the Lord Jesus Christ. Two Christians sitting in the same pew, reading their Bibles, attempting to worship the Lord…may have very different foundations. Those who do not have a foundation based on biblical doctrine will hear the words on judgment day: “I never knew you…,” from Christ.

I have used many of Polite Leader’s videos in my posts on false Christian teachers. His site is great for Christian discernment; I recommend subscribing.