Christian and Secular Worldviews Defined – Ken Ham

This post contains a Ken Ham video. He defined worldview, and explained how it is that a person arrives at his/her worldview. Then he explained how contemporary churches err in not teaching Genesis 1-11, those chapters are the foundation of all Christian doctrine and a Christian must understand them to have a biblical Christian worldview. Social issues such as abortion, gay marriage… must be dealt with via discussions about worldview; to discuss those issues as though they are problems unrelated to worldview (as most Christians presently do) is to wrongly address them….

The Key Ingredient To Fostering Intimacy (That Most Of Us Miss)

The following video is being posted to provide information that might help Christians learn what intimacy looks like. I’m not suggesting that psychology has answers to the big questions for Christians, but I believe the video might give a Christian insight into his / her behavior regarding things that are keeping them from experiencing greater intimacy with God, themselves and the important people in their lives.

Basic Instructions For Battling Sin – Pastor Mayfield via John Owen

The two very brief videos in this post provide foundational instructions on battling sin from the works of John Owen. Pastor Mayfield explained that God wants Christians to sin less; that all Christians sin; that a Christian must seek God’s help via prayer to successfully fight sin…. The contents of these videos necessary building blocks for a Christian walk. These two videos are from a 17-part series, but stand alone. New and old Christians alike can benefit from what Pastor Mayfield explains because such things are not typically part of the Sunday church service….

Proverbs 5:22  The iniquities of the wicked ensnare him…. [Explained from Commentaries]

The two verses looked at in this post are some of the most frightening in the Bible. They are about those people who think they are getting away with sinning. These not only apply to the believer who is backsliding, but to those marauders who are doing smash and grabs; to those manipulators cheating to win elections; those malevolent globalists creating vaccines to harm others and rid the earth of them, or who are orchestrating famines to accomplish that end… but they are God’s words to all who think they can get away with sinning: the act of sin carries its own punishment. [I reviewed these for my own edification, as my attitude towards some sins is not yet biblical; hopefully, others will find this post worthy of contemplating.]

Tucker Carlson’s Bible reading is impacting his perceptions of events

The video in this post is of Tucker being interviewed by Blaze TV. Therein he talks about having become a Bible reader and how the Bible is enabling him to view the events around him differently. He seems to have been significantly impacted by the sovereignty of God. I found it hopeful for two reasons: that Christians will likely benefit more from his take on the events he reports and that Christians, who are not very strong Bible readers, might benefit from seeing what a significant impact his personal Bible study is having on him and might want to read through their own Bibles.

The Westminster Shorter Catechism [a reading]

This post contains a reading of the Westminster Shorter Catechism. “The purpose of the Shorter Catechism is to educate children and others “of weaker capacity” (according to a preface written by the Church of Scotland) in the Reformed faith. It is based on the Larger Catechism, which was intended for use by ministers as they taught the faith to their congregations in preaching. The Catechism is in a question and answer format, which had been popularized by Martin Luther as a way to help children learn the meaning of the material, rather than simply memorizing the Lord’s Prayer, Ten Commandments, and Apostles’ Creed as had been the practice prior to the Reformation.”

C H Spurgeon – Morning and Evening Thoughts for June 22nd

His morning thoughts provide some understanding about God’s purposes in affliction. All believers are shaped by it, and receiving it is not always something we want to do; Spurgeon’s words help with that in particular. His evening thoughts encourage us in learning to hold the things of this earth loosely because they are temporary, while we are being taught to see the things of Christ as precious. The Spirit shows the foolish and temporal things we have been trusting in as He helps us make the transition to trusting wholly in Christ. Spurgeon’s words remind us that our trust in earthly things must be let go of and transferred to Christ alone.

Introducing Wisdom | Proverbs (1:1-7) – Pastor Kyle Johnston

This video is the first of 12 in a series: Study on the book of Proverbs, chapters 1-9. The videos range from 9-14 minutes in length, this is the longest video. I found the last video of this series because I wanted to blog on Proverbs 9 and after listening to it, I decided it would be beneficial to me and interested readers to blog the entire series for reasons that will become apparent in this video. Video highlight points precede this lesson. ADDITIONALLY, this post contains a reading from John Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion to explain the necessity of a believer knowing who he/she is in relationship to God

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