FALSE TEACHER Glenda Green on the Holy Spirit as Infinite Potential

A questioner asked me to look into Glenda Green and I used the following 10-minute video to get some of her views on the Holy Spirit.

Although I have a lot of posts on false Christian teachers and preachers, there are many that I haven’t even heard of, Green is one of those.

[See the following categories for posts on false teachers: Beth Moore; Brian McLaren; Mysticism; Prosperity Preachers; Yoga / Meditation.]

The following points, quoted from her talk, will be critiqued from the perspective of biblical Christianity. I noticed that although she identifies as a Christian, she relies on her feelings, intuition and opinions rather than the words of God found on the pages of scripture; which are factual and eternally true.

To contrast her words and style with biblical teaching about the Holy Spirit, a 3-minute video is below her video for all those who want to see the great difference. 

I am certain she has a ministry because so many that call themselves ‘Christian’ are biblically illiterate; that was my problem too, when I was looking for God in eastern religion [If you read my post on Yoga meditation, you will discover that she has incorporated that into her ministry].

Many ‘Christians’ in our day do the same. Whole denominations, in fact, make up their own Christ and way to Him. All you have to do to begin seeing this phenomenon is to read through your Bible; as soon as I completed my first read of God’s word, I began to hear false teaching in the church I was then attending. That church did not go to the extremes apparent in Green’s teaching; or in the teaching of, for example, Osteen, Hinn, Copeland…, who all claim to be ‘Christian,’ but are not.

Green’s words partially transcribed followed by critiques from a biblical perspective:

The words below by Glenda Green run to the 6-minute mark of the following 10-minute teaching video. I quit transcribing the video at that point because that initial portion of the video has many examples of teaching that is NOT biblical. The video is below her words and my critiques.

  • Green: We are individuals (she said in a different way) but at the same time we are part of the same whole; ultimately, we are “God-fragments” of one whole
  • Michael A: the term ‘god-fragments’ suggests eastern religion; the idea that everyone as a ‘divine spark’ within and can therefore become deity, via merging with the divine; in Yoga, they say, Namaste, which means, the god within me salutes the god within you.
  • Michael A: according to Dr Peter Jones, who wrote, One or Two, there are only two worldviews; the eastern WV, as in Hinduism, believes that God is in everything; the Christian WV, believes that God is outside His creation; the concept of holiness, firstly means separate. God, according to scriptures, is utterly other, holy, separate from His creation, including humanbeings
  • Green: We can allow ourselves the freedom to move through many different dimensions, selecting how life will work out for us…
  • Michael A: If one is born again, then choosing anything other than sin becomes possible: Php 2:12  Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, 13  for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure. 
  • Michael A: based on all that Glenda Green said during her teaching video, she is definitely NOT born again. Therefore, Philippians 2:12ff is NOT possible for her. She may believe that it is, but the scriptures call such people self-deceived. All who are not born again, are ‘in Adam’ and cannot choose to do anything that God finds pleasing; they can only choose various types of sin; for example, even philanthropic works like building hospitals… by billionaires, is not acceptable to God because when one is not born again, he is operating from the framework of the self and building pride…
  • Green: just because life started out in one way with one set of consequences, doesn’t mean it should follow through with what would logically come from that; even nature shows that evolution goes along for a period of time, then boom, some mutation comes
  • Michael A: when a person is born again (see John 3: 1-8) they afterwards repent and turn to follow God. Part of the order of God’s world requires that consequences follow actions. It is possible for Him to undo some of that if He chooses, He can do anything. But, for example, when King David committed adultery and murder, the prophet Nathan told him that, per God, the sword would never leave his house thereafter, even though God did forgive David for those sins. Such things, as changing consequences, are not in the realm of human manipulation, possiblity
  • Green: in every moment we have choice; we can choose, that moment, to maintain our defenses and our belief in a limited world; or we can look in that moment and find opportunities for expansion, for growth and for movement
  • Michael A: see my comment just above; her words here are such as those who practice transcendental meditation, yoga meditation…. The Bible speaks against that type of meditation because it is the practice of divination: stopping one’s thoughts; entering a realm wherein one might have contact with one’s ‘higher self,’ ‘spirit guide,’ etc., obtaining knowledge via which one might merge with the god consciousness…. Those things require that one have contact with spirits that the Bible calls ‘familiar spirits,’ God forbids such contacts. Deuteronomy 29:29 specifically states that and says we may only know the spirit realm as it is described in God’s revelation, the Holy Bible. See, CATEGORIES, Yoga
  • Green: we can create a parenthesis from how we began, by calling the Holy Spirit…
  • Michael A: the Holy Spirit only moves in born-again believers; those movements are according to His dictates; He is not a genie. One may pray to Him, but the answer is up to Him…
  • Green: it’s only the Holy Spirit that sees it all… even though, in this moment of meditation we can expand out to the infinite aspects of who we are and embrace the unconditional love that led us to this level of acceptance and forgiveness
  • Michael A: Yes, He does know all, see all; He is God the Holy Spirit. What she said about embracing the love… is nonsensical to me. That is talk from eastern meditation. The pastor of the church I attend is preaching through the fruit of the Spirit presently, found in Galatians 5 [link below]. For the fruit of the Spirit to be in a born-again believer, could be described as in Philippians 2:12ff above, God the Holy Spirit working it into that believer; but that believer also working out his own salvation. That is, fruit in one’s life is not obtained mystically, via meditation like she suggests
  • Green: we are also so enrolled in our lives, we don’t see the bigger picture…
  • Green: but the Holy Spirit does see it all; the Holy Spirit is literally the Spirit of God that is alive in all of us, and works through all of us to build THESE COHERENT PATTERNS that we’re looking for
  • [Definition of a term she introduced: coherence, noun – the act or state of cohering; cohesion. logical interconnection; overall sense or understandability.  –  com]
  • Green: and we all want these coherent patterns because they build the relationships that we want; they bring the careers that we want; …the opportunities; the places that we want to live; the joyful moments we want to have; the healing that we want to have; the service we want to be to others; and we can’t figure that out
  • Green: we can’t figure that out, we have to live it. And we live it by being in the flow.
  • Green: we live it by literally flowing on the winds (wings?) of the Holy Spirit
  • Michael A: I think that she is referring to the fruit of blessings from the Holy Spirit’s presence in our lives when she talks about coherent patterns; if that is not it, then I’m not sure of her meaning. The goal of such coherent patterns are blessings in relationship…. My statements above regarding Philippians 2:12ff are relevant here also. Her idea of humans ACHIEVING such things because they have aligned themselves with the Holy Spirit is giving humans more power than the Bible does.
  • Michael A: another big problem with her thinking here is that she is basically stating that if a person experiences great trials, such as Job did, for example, then that person is way out of touch with the Holy Spirit. Prosperity preachers are guilty of blaming people for lack of prosperity in their lives…. The Bible says, Christ says, that we will have much tribulation; He told his followers; DENY yourselves; pick up your cross; and follow Me. A cross is a torture device; it speaks of hardships… Green’s brand of ‘Christianity’ is not of the biblical ilk; just like all of the prosperity preachers. Pastor John MacArthur said that the prosperity preachers promise the types of blessings that all people chase when they are in their fallen state, ‘in Adam.’ The true believer is told to focus on the things of heaven…
  • Green: and the Holy Spirit reveals to us those opportunities for change, for growth and for becoming more than we ever thought we could be; and for discovering things we never thought would be invented, or would ever be possible in our lifetime…
  • Michael A: the Holy Spirit does make us aware of much, generally when we are reading His words: He shows us what false things, idols, we are trusting in; convicts us of our sins…. The other statements she made sound like the Holy Spirit is a motivational speaker or something; she is using tactics of motivational speakers; those are not of God
  • Green: and we need to be constantly reopened [by the Holy Spirit?] and shown that there is a greater movement; movement, to me, is the wind of passion
  • Green: compassion has two parts: com, means ‘with;’ passion, means ‘feeling;’ …feeling in its most intense form
  • Green: feeling love in its most intense form; feeling anything in its most intense form is passion
  • Green: and when we can feel that with the Spirit of the universe, then we know that even if we can’t always be in coherence with everything or everybody, we are at the least in coherence with Spirit, and that’s a comfort
  • Michael A: born-again believers may experience unity and the fruit of the Spirit via His working in us as stated above. The love that the Holy Spirit works in believers is much more than just an emotion, that is an element of it. The following link explains love, in terms of fruit of the Spirit
  • Sermon Audio link, which displays several sermons about the fruit of the Holy Spirit: https://www.sermonaudio.com/search.asp?speakeronly=true&currsection=sermonsspeaker&keyword=Patrick_Ramsey
  • Green: we can’t always make, on the spot, the adjustments that are necessary to avoid every bump in the road
  • Green: if we are enlivened by the passion of the Holy Spirit moving through us, it optimizes the possibilities for coherence in all things
  • Michael A: the Bible states, in Acts, that the Holy Spirit can cause all kinds of emotions and experiences in believers, as He sees fit. Unity [coherence?] is likely one of those experiences. The sermons I linked above get into that matter. I got the idea, from Green’s words, that coherence has something to do with a pleasant blessing of the Holy Spirit. Her words suggest to me that if one is able to meditate right, to get in touch with the ‘spirit of the universe’ then that person will experience blessings. If you read John 16, you will find that the Spirit brings many other types of experiences, conviction of sin…
  • Green: our last meditation is going to be an embracing of the Holy Spirit, and we are going to lift ourselves from the earth’s plane to where the Spirit can take us realms of bliss [or, to relative bliss] where our soul can fly [word unclear]
  • Michael A: such things are spoken by mystics; those practicing transcendental meditation, yoga meditation…; occultists; witches; Satanists…. None of those things belong to Christianity. See my post on Christian Yoga, CATEGORIES,  Yoga
  • Green: I just want to tell you in advance, that as I read the words of this meditation [notice, not words from scripture], I’m giving you my love with all my heart; sending you into the world to take whatever you’ve learned, as it suits you; take what works for you, leave the rest behind
  • Michael A: God’s word cannot be viewed in that manner. It is truth and filled with promises, commands, warnings and such. Her words sound like those of a New Ager; mystic…
  • Green: don’t do it because I said; do it because it meant something to you. Even if you don’t fully understand it, then explore it, examine it and make it real in your lives, or let go of it. It may be that some part of it was wrong or that you weren’t ready for some part of it; or all of the above
  • Michael A: The words I have written about Green’s teaching are in line with biblical teaching to the best of my ability. You are not free to ignore them, toss out some…. No Christian is free to view biblical teaching in such a manner


I spent many years wandering around in false religions and philosophies, in addition to dabbling in the occult. One read of the Bible, answered all my spiritual questions. I have since, read it many times.

If you are a Christian, then Jesus said in the beatitudes, that you will be shown your sin by His Spirit, Matthew 5:3; you will come to mourn it; hunger and thirst for the righteousness of God….

If you are not born again when you begin prayerfully reading through the Bible, then you may be blessed with new spiritual birth as you read through it, that happened to me. It also happened to a Lesbian College professor, who was the head of Queer studies at Syracuse U. See, CATEGORIES, Christian Testimonies. She wrote a paperback book about it: The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert.  

I brought her into this conversation only to make the point, that God the Holy Spirit works mightily in the realm of His word and prayer; not in the realm of contemplative meditation….

You, therefore, may also be converted by reading through the Bible.



The following 3-minute video is by the pastor at Got Questions dot org. He frequently refers to scripture in the process of discussing the Holy Spirit.



To see the link to Got Questions video page at YouTube, scroll down until you pass Glenda Green’s YouTube page data.

The following words and links accompanied Glenda Green’s video at YouTube:

Holy Spirit as infinite potential

Glenda Green :   4,002 views  Aug 31, 2007

Recorded at a seminar in Boulder, CO – Aug. 6. 2007

Glenda Green is author of the Worldwide Best Selling Book Love Without EndJesus Speaks.


The following narrative and links are from Got Questions dot org at YouTube:

[I pasted in the scriptures he cited in his brief video, the other is from his site.]

John 14:16  And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever,

The INDWELLING of the Holy Spirit is permanent in believers

John 7:37  On the last day of the feast, the great day, Jesus stood up and cried out, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. 38  Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’” 39  Now this he said about the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were to receive, for as yet the Spirit had not been given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.

Ephesians 1:13  In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit,

Galatians 3:2  Let me ask you only this: Did you receive the Spirit by works of the law or by hearing with faith?

2 Corinthians 1:22  and who has also put his seal on us and given us his Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee.


Ephesians 5:18  And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit,

Romans 8:9  You, however, are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if in fact the Spirit of God dwells in you. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him.

Ephesians 1:13  In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, 14  who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it, to the praise of his glory.

Grieving the Holy Spirit

Ephesians 4:30  And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.

Quenching the Holy Spirit

1 Thessalonians 5:19  Do not quench the Spirit.

To be filled = freedom for Him to occupy every part of our lives: guiding, controlling, enabling us to bear fruit for God the Father

“Filling” includes the thoughts and motives

Psalm 19:14  Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.

Sin hinders the filling of the Spirit

Obedience to God is how the filling of the Holy Spirit is maintained

[Prayers for obedience would seem to precede that]

Ephesians 5:18  And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit,


The following narrative and links accompanied the above video at YouTube:

2,911 views  Jul 28, 2023

When does a Christain receive the power and presence of the Holy Spirit?  In this video, Pastor Nelson answers your question: How can I be filled with the Holy Spirit?

*** Source Article:


*** Check out, Bible Munch!


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*** Recent Bible Munch Videos:

James 1:2-4 – How to Face Trials in Life & Find Joy

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*** Recommended Resource:

The Spirit Filled Life, repackaged: Discovering the Joy of Surrendering to the Holy Spirit

By: Charles F. Stanley


*** Related Questions:

Who is the Holy Spirit?


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What is the indwelling of the Holy Spirit?


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  1. Dear Michael, You are a brave man. It was nearly impossible for me to even touch her book, let alone try to read through her lies, as I felt she was trying to twist my mind. God’s word is straight forward and does not confuse. We are either for Him or against Him. Even as a believer in God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, I do not feel safe in my home as my husband’s leadership is based on dominance by instilling fear. Now, I understand why he has taken us out of the church. Any knowledgeable pastor that leads deeply through the Word of God, will not tolerate such nonsensical teachings. Is it any wonder why bible studies and gatherings at our home or others is prohibited. I understand now that he is a very confused man. All I can do is pray for him and live by example by not challenging him. Thank you for pulling back the veil to let the radiance of God’s word shine on all of your gentle teachings that are so easy to understand and verify in the bible.
    Keep up the good work of spreading God’s truth. May He bless you with excellent health and a long life filled with joy. Kimberlee

    1. Kimberlee, Thank you much for the encouragement, it is God working in me and giving me understanding from His word. I was just at that post, adding a 3-minute video on a biblical presentation of the work of the Holy Spirit that I forgot to add yesterday. Keep praying for him. I am going to post on love today, my pastor is doing a series on Galatians 5 and he spoke of the fruit of love a couple of weeks ago. I think that should follow this post on Greens heretical ideas. In Philippians 4 and James 1 and probably lots of other places I can’t presently recall, we are told to ‘rejoice always,’ and a couple of verses later we are encouraged / commanded to – Php 4:6  do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.  May God help you endure with godliness. Michael A

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