Celebrities who died in 2023 – Contemplation: Hebrews 9:27 …as it is appointed for man to die…

The video of this post announces the names of 63 well-known people who died in 2023: 11 musicians / singers; many actors; a few football greats; and a few wrestlers. The purpose of this post is to remind readers that life is very fragile and short; and that it is essential to put some time into considering what happens after you leave this world. The welfare of your eternal soul depends upon knowing what God wants from you; being trendy; socially acceptable in your faith will certainly cause you spiritual ‘ship wreck.’ 

Report: Majority of Americans Are Spiritual, Including Those Who Are Not Religious – The New American

A new Pew Research Center in-depth report, “Spirituality Among Americans,” revealed that “7 in 10 U.S. adults describe themselves as spiritual in some way, including 22% who are spiritual but not religious.” …they think of themselves as spiritual people or say spirituality is very important in their lives.” Seeking to define what “spiritual” meant to the 11,000-plus nationwide survey respondents, the report found that 27 percent “define ‘spiritual’ by mentioning beliefs or faiths associated with organized religion, such as belief in God (12%); Jesus, the Holy Spirit or elements of Christian theology (8%); or obedience to religious teachings (5%).”  The survey added that many also say the word “spiritual” is about being connected with nature, “such as mountains, rivers or trees – can have spirits or spiritual energies.”

Pastor Patrick Hines Podcast Romans 12:1-2 and Q&A

This post contains an excerpt and the full video from which it derives. It covers some widely misunderstood scriptures regarding ‘calling’ by God and much more that is relevant to the Christian life. Pastor Hines opened with the intention of discussing Romans 12:1-2, but via questions from listeners was led into explaining the phrase ‘God desires all to be saved….’ He explained two passages related to that from 1 Timothy 2 and 2 Peter 3. [Highlight points follow excerpt.]

The Curse Motif of the Atonement – R C Sproul

R C’s sermon carefully explained The Day of Atonement; covenant blessings and curses; propitiation; expiation; the cross; imputation; substitution… the foundation stones of the gospel. If you  desire to know the biblical gospel message; bolster your own gratitude to the Lord; draw nearer to Him by possessing greater knowledge of Him…, then this sermon can benefit you.  If you have been in a false church, this sermon will help you specifically understand what is false about it.

O Sacred Head Now Wounded – Ginger Millermon – Lyrics

I found the following song while I was searching the video page of a new YouTube site, StrangeLyrics. I was deeply moved by the lyrics, vocals and guitar; this is a wonderful song for preparing one’s heart to pray and read God’s word. The site has over 350 videos seemingly consisting of hymns and contemporary Christian music. If you like to sing along with Christian music, check out the site.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ – Booklet – by Paul Washer

This post is for people who aren’t quite clear on the gospel and want to know it better; or for those who have witnessed the gospel and want to also provide material for reviewing discussion points…. The initial couple of minutes of the video explaining Washer’s booklet cover the following points: who is God; what is man – it is essential that believers understand these two points from a biblical perspective; what God has done to satisfy His own justice and to simultaneously be able to show mercy to the wicked; why was the resurrection necessary; what does it mean to believe; how can you know that you believe; what does it mean to repent; how can you know that you actually have repented; what is assurance and how can you grow in it….

The Background for the Gospel Message – Pastor Patrick Hines – video short

The following 1-minute video short was excerpted from a recent podcast by pastor Hines: Romans 1:18-22 – God’s Wrath & Mercy, Man’s Truth Suppression. Herein, pastor Hines explains that the background for the biblical gospel message is God’s wrath against sin. He talked briefly about the ‘Christian Liberal’ message that is devoid of God’s wrath, as contested by J Gresham Machen in the early 20th century via his still very relevant book, Christianity and Liberalism:

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