Presbyterian Pastor Tim Keller – Cultural Marxist Influencers – Part 2-A

This post is about the Cultural Marxist Influencer, Tim Keller. The brief video critiques his unbiblical ideas on ‘white privilege.’ Although he tells his audience that these ideas are biblical, he is wrong. The pastors critiquing his words use the Bible to reveal his errors and they explain his erroneous thinking. The next post will also be about him, showing how Marxist, leftist theories were incorporated into his Christian belief system during his college days. Thus, when he graduated college and began his ministry, he began teaching syncretic, false doctrine to his congregations.

Evangelicals and the Encroachment of Cultural Marxism – Ardel B. Caneday – [Cultural Marxist Influencers – Part 1]

The following article succinctly explains how cultural Marxism has been disseminated throughout the American culture since the 1960’s. As you read, you will also get some insight into the strategies uses by Marxists to propagate their anti-Christian, anti-American ideas throughout our culture; ideas which are now commonplace to our children…. The focus of this mini-series is on how cultural Marxism is impacting the church, via critiques of several well-known pastors who have infused it into their sermons and twisted scripture to support their endeavors. 

Conversations that Matter: Unraveling the JFK Assassination Mystery – The New American

60 years later, the assassination of John F. Kennedy continues to pique the interest of Americans. While many “conspiracy theories” abound, the official narrative of President Lyndon Johnson’s Warren Commission continues to mislead a new generation that is searching for the truth. Why was the president taken out? “Kennedy was a disappointment,” answered Andrew Muller, chief of operations of Liberty Sentinel Media. “And he was not a disappointment to the American people . . . but he was a disappointment to the establishment,” argued Muller, saying that Kennedy stepped out of line and did not fully conform to the globalist conspiracy.

The Christian Soldier’s Perspective – Dr James Boice

This post contains an 8-minute excerpt from Dr James Boice’s 35-minute sermon. The excerpt speaks to how believers must deal with the world if they would follow Christ. In that portion, Dr. Boice spoke of how Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote of facing such trials when he was placed in the Soviet prison system. Boice’s quote came from Solzhenitsyn’s work, The Gulag Archipelago; he framed it as the correct perspective of a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ.  The quote actually explains Jesus’ words: deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow Me.  [Highlight points are below video for those who would rather read]

Report: Majority of Americans Are Spiritual, Including Those Who Are Not Religious – The New American

A new Pew Research Center in-depth report, “Spirituality Among Americans,” revealed that “7 in 10 U.S. adults describe themselves as spiritual in some way, including 22% who are spiritual but not religious.” …they think of themselves as spiritual people or say spirituality is very important in their lives.” Seeking to define what “spiritual” meant to the 11,000-plus nationwide survey respondents, the report found that 27 percent “define ‘spiritual’ by mentioning beliefs or faiths associated with organized religion, such as belief in God (12%); Jesus, the Holy Spirit or elements of Christian theology (8%); or obedience to religious teachings (5%).”  The survey added that many also say the word “spiritual” is about being connected with nature, “such as mountains, rivers or trees – can have spirits or spiritual energies.”

Bills Introduced to Withdraw U.S. From UN – The New American

Conservative members of Congress have introduced legislation to withdraw the United States from the United Nations. H.R. 6645 and S. 3428, titled the Disengaging Entirely From the United Nations Debacle (DEFUND) Act, were respectively introduced Wednesday by Representative Chip Roy (R-Texas) and Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah). Representative Mike Rogers (R-Ala.) is cosponsoring the House companion bill. H.R. 6645 and S. 3428, which are identical, would fully withdraw the United States from the United Nations, restoring U.S. national sovereignty.

Nearly 60 Percent of Americans in Heartland States Won’t Get COVID Vaccine Booster: Poll – Epoch Times

Almost 3 in 5 Heartland residents said they would be unlikely to get the new COVID-19 vaccine, with the highest rejection rates coming from Wyoming at 74 percent, followed by Idaho. In the 12 states comprising the Heartland, only 43 percent of respondents planned to get the vaccine. Polling results indicated that as public trust in the quality of government health care information waned, so too did the vaccine acceptance rate.

What are the Five Lies of our Anti-Christian Age? with Rosaria Butterfield – Podcast Episode 183 – Got Questions Ministries

Got Questions Podcast interviewed Rosaria Butterfield, former gay-rights activist; professor of Queer Studies as Syracuse U…. They were discussing her book in terms of our current social problems. She understands them very well. Christians could benefit from her perspective regarding the social issues of our time surrounding LGBTQ and the church….

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