Bills Introduced to Withdraw U.S. From UN – The New American

Conservative members of Congress have introduced legislation to withdraw the United States from the United Nations. H.R. 6645 and S. 3428, titled the Disengaging Entirely From the United Nations Debacle (DEFUND) Act, were respectively introduced Wednesday by Representative Chip Roy (R-Texas) and Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah). Representative Mike Rogers (R-Ala.) is cosponsoring the House companion bill. H.R. 6645 and S. 3428, which are identical, would fully withdraw the United States from the United Nations, restoring U.S. national sovereignty.

Nearly 60 Percent of Americans in Heartland States Won’t Get COVID Vaccine Booster: Poll – Epoch Times

Almost 3 in 5 Heartland residents said they would be unlikely to get the new COVID-19 vaccine, with the highest rejection rates coming from Wyoming at 74 percent, followed by Idaho. In the 12 states comprising the Heartland, only 43 percent of respondents planned to get the vaccine. Polling results indicated that as public trust in the quality of government health care information waned, so too did the vaccine acceptance rate.