The Christian Soldier’s Perspective – Dr James Boice

This post contains an 8-minute excerpt from Dr James Boice’s 35-minute sermon. The excerpt speaks to how believers must deal with the world if they would follow Christ. In that portion, Dr. Boice spoke of how Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote of facing such trials when he was placed in the Soviet prison system. Boice’s quote came from Solzhenitsyn’s work, The Gulag Archipelago; he framed it as the correct perspective of a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ.  The quote actually explains Jesus’ words: deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow Me.  [Highlight points are below video for those who would rather read]

Report: Majority of Americans Are Spiritual, Including Those Who Are Not Religious – The New American

A new Pew Research Center in-depth report, “Spirituality Among Americans,” revealed that “7 in 10 U.S. adults describe themselves as spiritual in some way, including 22% who are spiritual but not religious.” …they think of themselves as spiritual people or say spirituality is very important in their lives.” Seeking to define what “spiritual” meant to the 11,000-plus nationwide survey respondents, the report found that 27 percent “define ‘spiritual’ by mentioning beliefs or faiths associated with organized religion, such as belief in God (12%); Jesus, the Holy Spirit or elements of Christian theology (8%); or obedience to religious teachings (5%).”  The survey added that many also say the word “spiritual” is about being connected with nature, “such as mountains, rivers or trees – can have spirits or spiritual energies.”