The Call of the Christian Soldier by Megan K. Taylor, Tabletalk Magazine

The article in this post is from Ligonier Ministries, Tabletalk magazine; it is about those things that entangle the Christian soldier. The author, Megan K. Taylor, uses examples of WWII propaganda, and worldly things around us that move us to crave the comforts of civilian life as opposed to getting out and staying on the Christian battle field; she also provided some ideas about dis-“entangling” oneself such as to rejoin the ranks of the active Christian soldiers

The Fall of Man, Sin, Punishment — John Gerstner from The Westminster Confession of Faith

This post conveys what the Bible says about the fall of mankind, sin and punishment. The six points from this portion of the Westminster Confession of Faith are the basis of a video featuring professor John Gerstner; also, the six points are in narrative from a modern version of the WCF. I plan on posting a wonderful sermon by C H Spurgeon on sin, later this week. The initial 10 minutes or so of his sermon were about sin, as defined in the Bible; then he went into how sin is often wrongly dealt with in real life by Christian professors. He also emphasized that one must learn to face sin, confess it…. His sermon was one of the best I have heard on the topic and this should prepare readers, who want to deal with sin, to receive what Spurgeon preaches.