1Corinthians 6:18 Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body….

When I did the recent miniseries, I forgot that the most powerful commentary I found on 1 Corinthians 6:9-20, was on verse 18, and not by MacArthur, but by Albert Barnes.  Before pasting in Barnes’ comments, I provided the definition of the Greek word, ‘porneia’ which was translated ‘fornication’ by the KJV – look at the featured image to quickly get that definition.

Two One-Minute Meditations On Sin

This post contains two 1-minute videos by different pastors on sin; these are very informative and excellent for meditation. The thoughts in each video should aid one in self-observation and in obtaining a biblical perspective on sin. Contemporary Christianity falls miserably short regarding any aspect of dealing with personal sin.

A New Heart, By Pastor D. Patrick Ramsey

In his sermon, Pastor Ramsey provided a picture of an unbelieving heart and a heart wherein faith is mixed with the words of God. He also identified the source of such faith, for your aid. His sermon may answer some of your spiritual questions about your own unbelief, struggles with assurance, etc. Sermon texts are from Deuteronomy 30 and Colossians 2; Romans 10 also plays a significant part in his message. Sermon points are provided for those who don’t want to spend 27 minutes listening to his mp3 sermon.

Dealing With Affliction In The Christian Life – Charles Spurgeon Sermon #shorts

The following 1-minute video is from the YouTube site, Christian Sermons and Audio Books. It says a lot about prayer and remaining under God’s afflicting hand.
It took me a long time to realize that when I was under affliction, I habitually sought to escape it, fleeing to something that gave me pleasant feelings, or at least a break from unpleasant ones. I began to understand this problem when I was dealing with cancer and my brother gave me a book titled, The Afflicted Man’s Companion. That book enabled me to many examples of God’s afflicting characters of the Bible and what He expected of them at those times: that they receive it; feel it; remain in it until He removed it, waiting on Him…that they be conformed to the image of Christ

1 Corinthians 6:15-20 On Sexual Sin, Part 2 of 2

This post looks at the teachings of SBC pastor J D Greear on sexual sin, comparing them to 1 Corinthians 6:15-20; MacArthur’s Bible Commentary explanations are used to explain scripture.  Greear stated his beliefs about sexual sin in the one-minute video below; thereafter, you will find verses 15-20 of 1 Corinthians 6 and explanations of that text from the MacArthur Bible Commentary. There is a vast difference between Greear’s stance and that of the Bible. I am speculating that this difference derives from the SBC’s having incorporated Marxist’s ideologies via Resolution 9 whereby they deemed that CRT and intersectionality could be used “as an analytical tool subordinate to scripture.”

1 Corinthians 6:9-20 On Sexual Sin; Part 1 of 2

This post is the part one of a two-part mini-series, but actually the third post I have written against Greear’s teaching in the following 1-minute video. Therein, J D Greear told his congregation that sexual sin should not be stigmatized; that it should be whispered about because that is what the Bible does while it loudly confronts greed…. Greear is likely saying these things about the Bible because the SBC has incorporated Marxist ideology via CRT and related teachings. Marxist ideology is anti-Christ, anti-God and anti-Bible. Marx stated that religion is the ‘opiate of the masses.’ In other words, those who subscribe to a belief in God, the Bible…are high on opium and not in their right minds, he would have you worship the state as God. The following scriptures and commentary show that Greear’s teachings on that video are grossly unbiblical and heretical.

Elon Musk’s Twitter Gambit and What It Means to the ‘Clique in Power’ – Epoch Times Commentary

The response to the Twitter takeover by the arbiters of acceptable expression has been as hysterical as it has been swift. The New York Times, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Media Matters for America, members of the establishment professoriate, and other “experts” have rushed to fortify the defensive forces against free speech…. Musk’s commitment to free speech has raised the hackles of the establishment gatekeepers, who ironically figure free speech as a “threat to democracy.” Alluding to Twitter’s state functions, California State East Bay professor of communication and history Nolan Higdon said that Musk’s acquisition makes “democracy less and less likely to work as it’s designed.” Democracy here does not mean equal representation in the public sphere but rather the preordained domination of a particular “democratic” ideology. This ideology is defined by the imperatives of “diversity, equity, and inclusion,” which are expressed in terms of acceptable and protected identities and politics.

Elon Musk Solves Twitter Problem the Old-Fashioned American Way – Epoch Times Commentary

On April 25, Elon Musk reached an agreement with Twitter’s board of directors to acquire and take the company private. He has pledged to pivot the platform toward respect for free speech principles, so that Twitter is “maximally trusted and broadly inclusive.” Less noticed, a few days earlier, on April 21, former community organizer-turned-president Barack Obama addressed an audience at Stanford University. In a slick presentation, he challenged the relevance—the very worth—of “free speech” by most people… The First Amendment is not the issue. Twitter’s carte blanche to act as “thought police,” even in its own realm, is the result of special exemptions from common-law legal liability granted by Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996, federal legislation that preempted a patch quilt of state tort laws…. But we live in an age of Orwellian dominant platforms, artificial intelligence, and mobile surveillance. The government has, in effect, licensed the private sector to censor political speech. Section 230 is the origin….

Indiana Voters Heading to Polls With Inflation and Border Security Foremost in Their Minds – Epoch Times

SEYMOUR, Ind.—On May 3 voters in a Republican stronghold in southern Indiana said they are more or less fine with local affairs, but when it comes to national matters they are deeply worried. The top two concerns they have are inflation and border security, according to The Epoch Times’ interviews with a dozen voters in the city of Seymour. Seymour sits in Indiana’s 9th Congressional District, which is an open seat that nine Republican candidates are vying for this year. Whoever wins the primary is almost guaranteed to carry the fall general election. Here, most Republican candidates ran on a similar platform, that of border security, energy independence, pro-life, pro-second amendment, and pro-business.

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