A New Heart, By Pastor D. Patrick Ramsey

In his sermon, Pastor Ramsey provided a picture of an unbelieving heart and a heart wherein faith is mixed with the words of God. He also identified the source of such faith, for your aid. His sermon may answer some of your spiritual questions about your own unbelief, struggles with assurance, etc. Sermon texts are from Deuteronomy 30 and Colossians 2; Romans 10 also plays a significant part in his message. Sermon points are provided for those who don’t want to spend 27 minutes listening to his mp3 sermon.

Dealing With Affliction In The Christian Life – Charles Spurgeon Sermon #shorts

The following 1-minute video is from the YouTube site, Christian Sermons and Audio Books. It says a lot about prayer and remaining under God’s afflicting hand.
It took me a long time to realize that when I was under affliction, I habitually sought to escape it, fleeing to something that gave me pleasant feelings, or at least a break from unpleasant ones. I began to understand this problem when I was dealing with cancer and my brother gave me a book titled, The Afflicted Man’s Companion. That book enabled me to many examples of God’s afflicting characters of the Bible and what He expected of them at those times: that they receive it; feel it; remain in it until He removed it, waiting on Him…that they be conformed to the image of Christ