Agenda Weekly Brief – October 3-9 By Curtis Bowers: The Covid Conspiracy

In this issue of Agenda Weekly with Curtis Bowers, he spoke on the Covid conspiracy, using video clips of key players in the scam. Included are two other features of this weeks issue, a Tucker Carlson video about the DOJ being weaponized against parents; and a medical conference wherein Covid related matters were discussed. I also copied and pasted pare of Bowers’ blog which is part of his weekly message.

Vaccine Mandates Awaken Calls for Freedom – Epoch Times Commentary

Eleven months ago, gas prices were low, and the United States was energy independent. Unemployment was also low, and minorities had never fared better in the job market. The southern border was relatively secure, the useless war in Afghanistan was bumping along, enriching the Pentagon but not troubling anybody overmuch, and the future looked bright. Today, the economy is in chaos; supply chains have been disrupted; inflation is soaring; race relations are poisonous; crime, including murder, is way up; the energy business is assaulted on all fronts, even as the industrialized nations face the prospect of a winter without reliable power; and China is rattling its plastic sabers. And yet, the befuddled Biden’s principal concern is forcing a thoroughly anti-American, unconstitutional series of vaccination “mandates” on the U.S. workforce that has—thankfully—finally brought the country to its boiling point. Let’s go, Brandon!

Walgreens Closing 5 More San Francisco Stores Over ‘Organized’ Thefts – Epoch Times

Walgreens said Tuesday that it will be closing five more San Francisco locations due to the rampant, organized theft across the city. “Due to ongoing organized retail crime, we have made the difficult decision to close five stores across San Francisco,” a Walgreens spokesperson Phil Caruso said in a statement to news outlets. “Each store will transfer prescriptions to a nearby Walgreens location within a mile radius and we expect to place the stores’ team members in other nearby locations.” The firm has already closed down more than 10 of its San Francisco locations since 2019, according to local media. …Walgreens said the closures were triggered by “organized retail crime” that has impacted retailers across San Francisco.

The Degrees Of Sin: Building A Christian Conscience – R C Sproul

R C Sproul articulated a secular psychiatrist’s argument against Jesus’ statements in the Sermon on the Mount; the psychiatrist believed Jesus to be saying that lustful thoughts are equivalent with adultery; R C explains the man’s errors. If you have never thought much about the degrees of sin and righteousness spoken of in scripture, then you will obtain much insight from this teaching video

Pelosi Doubles Down on IRS Looking Into Bank Transactions

The minority leader told reporters, “While [Democrats] grandstand about taxing the rich, they have created a new IRS surveillance program designed to target low- and mid-income earners.” “Especially,” McCarthy added, the program would target “[those who] rely on tips to make [a] living.” Often, tips are given in cash, making them untraceable by the IRS. Under the new program, the IRS would be able to track these tips through transaction data. He continued, “President Biden wants to hire 1,000s of new IRS bureaucrats and give them the authority to snoop into your bank account to monitor every single transaction you make: no warrants, no permissions, no limits.”

California Bans Small Off-Road Gas Engines, Including Lawnmowers and Chainsaws

The change could strongly impact small businesses in landscaping and related industries. In addition to increased costs, the change could result in other unexpected problems, such as the need to carry charged batteries. “Bray said a three-person landscaping crew will need to carry 30 to 40 fully charged batteries to power its equipment during a full day’s work,” according to the report. …The new law is expected to affect nearly 50,000 small businesses, according to The Washington Examiner. It noted that California’s budget includes $30 million for professional landscapers and gardeners to quit using gas-powered equipment, but that it would not be enough to cover the full costs.