Are You a Woke Christian?

The first video below is by Charlie Kirk, calling out “woke” Christians. The 2 minute video that follows, supports the statistics Kirk used about police shootings.

After the videos, there are a few points about why “woke” Christianity is UNbiblical.



The following two minute video by Ami Horowitz gives the police shootings across America based on a study by two American colleges in 2019, reported on by The Washington Post: real statistics show that the woke movement has been misinformed (likely deliberately by BLM – which is really concerned about bringing Marxism to America; Black lives, don’t matter that much to them, as they are employing Blacks to forward their Marxist agenda).

[I cut Horowitz’s video due to foul language by protesters, but that last part wasn’t too important anyhow, all the stats are given early.]



To be “woke” means that you support social justice tenets based on concepts such as intersectionality (see, Categories: Social Justice / Identity Politics, for posts on these concepts and other aspects of the SJ movement; even a panel of Christian pastors who explain why SJ is opposed to biblical Christianity).

If you know the definition of SJ, then you know that it is not “JUSTICE.”

God established justice in the Bible, He called for it again and again. Those who practice righteousness and follow God’s commands…practice justice in their interactions with their peers, people in authority, and people subservient to them.

That biblical standard of justice is upheld by the constitution (posts in this blog on SJ make this very clear).

Why is social justice not just?

It shows partiality to those deemed to be victims by the measuring stick of intersectionality. 

Furthermore, public consensus, based on Marxist political correctness, is a chief enforcing arm of SJ. 

Political correctness is basically a Social Marxist intimidation tactic that is operating on the international stage. It is also enforced by “woke scolds” that the outraged woke mob belligerently spews on those who dare to hold, even a slightly differing view.

People conform because they lose their jobs, are slandered, shunned…if they do not. 

That is why there is so much “virtue signalling,” people want everyone to know they are good people too, that they support SJ; because they do not want to suffer the consequences of taking a stance against the Marxist mob. 

Free speech is squelched, people cower in fear of what might happen to them if they actually have an opinion that differs from the mob. Their fear is reality based, they see what has happened to the few who have recently gently voiced a differing opinion.

Therefore, based on the above points, a Christian cannot claim “woke” status, because that makes him an anti-Christian. Christ and His word are opposed to abortion, homosexuality, transgenderism, impartiality in politics and law and on and on. 

Yes, it is politically correct to be “woke,” but Christ called His followers to follow the Bible, not to be a follower of social trends. Following the Bible means standing against immorality, partiality….

Charlie Kirk is the Founder and President of Turning Point USA, a national student movement dedicated to identifying, organizing, and empowering young people to promote the principles of free markets and limited government.

For more posts in this blog on the progressive left, political correctness, socialism, etc., see, Categories: Progressive Govt. / Socialism / Communism; Propaganda Exposed; Paganism / Neo Paganism; Social Justice / Identity Politica.