Why Laura Morris Quit Teaching School – Geoffrey Botkin

On the day she quit her job as a teacher, Laura Morris told the school board, “I quit your policies, I quit your training, and I quit being a cog in a machine that tells me to push highly politicized agendas to our most vulnerable constituents – children.”

Take a look at all the tens of thousands of parents who are appearing at school board hearings to protest policy. Imagine what would happen if they all simply did what Laura did.

The above narrative accompanied the following 9 minute video at the YouTube site: Stand Up And Lead. If you are a parent with school children, Geoffrey Botkin has some encouraging words for you:


If you have little understanding of the agenda of the progressive left in the US, then you will likely think the above video is extreme. The 70 years of indoctrination that Botkin spoke of was a reference to indoctrination in social Marxism, the long march through American institutions by Marxist socialists.
They believed that they could undermine the Christian values of Americans by indoctrinating the children….
To learn more about social Marxism, and their tools of CRT; intersectionality; and political correctness, see CATEGORIES: CRT / CT; Social Justice / Identity Politics.
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