Why Is There A War Against Conservatives in America?

“The progressive leftist democrats are  a political party that builds its platform on the killing of infants in the womb; destroying the family; elevating homosexuality, transgender perversion…and they’re proud of it.” (Quotation taken from a recent Dr. John MacArthur sermon: Who’s to blame for the riots.)

The following video is about two conservative talk-show hosts who were targeted by BLM in Philadelphia, Monday, 6-22-20 at 8:00 a. m.: Candice Owens and Charlie Kirk.



Why is the political leftist democratic party opposed to the conservative republican party? Conservatives hold views that promote belief in God; merit for conscientious work; free speech; capitalism – which provides an incentive for people to develop skills that employers need; they believe in borders and law enforcement agencies to protect their citizenry….

If you have watched the cities burning, businesses being looted, monuments being defaced and pulled down…then you are beginning to see what the left stands for.

The left’s values include: 

  • They are opposed to God
  • They do not care about protecting your family
  • They do not stand for borders or vetting of immigrants; but they would allow criminals to enter our country and harm our citizens without consequence (most of them are rich and live in gated communities with security forces, so why should they care about protecting your family)
  • They do not care about the republic of America or the constitution
  • They fight those who oppose them via intimidation; slander; lies; destruction of property; destruction of reputation…
  • They do not care about the amendments that promise free speech; right to vote; right to bear arms (they nullify your vote by sabotaging the process via corrupted security agencies…)
  • They do not care about public education: the schools are leftist propaganda machines that teach kindergarten students about “gender fluidity;” that teach college students Marxist beliefs and values, as seen in the campus riots they cause to cancel conservative speakers…
  • Students are taught to violently oppose conservatives: they are brainwashed and taught to believe it is perfectly acceptable to aggressively intimidate and hit other people; damage their property…as seen in campus riots
  • They do not care about the morals of society: they legislate abortion; gay marriage; transgenderism, which has eroded, largely destroyed, the family unit which is the basic building block of the community, the nation
  • They keep a guaranteed voter base that is locked into welfare poverty


Why then, do so many people seemingly support the left, even in the midst of this current social disorder and cultural destruction?

When I worked with violent juvenile offenders, I witnessed new residents at the facility adjusting their behaviors such as not to draw the attention of more aggressive, hostile residents.

In most cases, those juveniles glaringly stood out; they were called “wannabes.”

They pretended to like and agree with more aggressive peers to avoid being harmed by them; however, everyone could see through the game. And the more aggressive residents usually harassed the wannabes anyhow.

It was the job of staff to provide a safe environment, no matter what pretenses the residents used to defend themselves.

Often, weak wannabe residents would also attack staff; again, to portray that they were aggressive and that they also hated authority figures…although they desperately wanted the protection that staff offered.

The above sorts of behaviors are currently being exhibited by mayors, governors, and many citizens right now in the midst of this chaos. 

Even the owner of one of the largest businesses in the country, Amazon, sided with BLM; despite that this Marxist organization was burning and looting flag ship stores in NYC.

Fear moves people to do many things to protect themselves: compromising their own values; pretending to agree so as not to be a target, etc., is often seen as a self-preservation tactic.

But, those aggressive members of BLM, can see right through such pretenses. And they recognize it as a fear-based response; therefore, the response is not always successful because they know they have the upper hand when they see, e.g., elected public officials kowtowing to them; police prostrating themselves in the streets….

A better response is to turn to God; ask for the strength to be genuine and the courage to live a godly life in the midst of this mess; to support conservative leaders who want to uphold the rule of law in our communities….

There are leaders in our government who want to do what they were elected to do, they need support. Going against the trendy mob and the politically correct mafia, the Marxist machine is a difficult thing to do; our leaders are humans, just like us, and need encouragement and support.

Quit criticizing conservative leaders who value family, the right to own property, to have a business; freedom of speech….

Begin opposing the leftist mob who wants to destroy our nation; your property; your family; your freedoms…. They also want socialism which crushes people by taxation, after they have taken your children, your freedom and your property.

For more posts on this blog on the topics of social justice, progressive leftist politics…see Categories: Progressive Govt. / Socialism / Communism; Social Justice / Identity Politics; Propaganda Exposed; Paganism / Neo Paganism; and other related topics.