UK Marxist Radicals Riot; and Veterans March Peacefully: Vastly Differing Police Responses

Marxist radicals in London were permitted to fight police with no consequence; and veterans marched the next week to protest that statutes of Churchill, Lincoln and Gandhi had been damaged by Marxist vandals; police came out in riot gear to confront veterans, as though they were violent protesters.

Their responses were completely contradictory to what any law-abiding person would have expected to see!

It is obvious to anyone who has worked with violent criminals, that it is easy to take a tough stance with someone you know is not going to react violently; that is, the police anticipated that the veteran protesters respected authority figures; whereas, Marxist radicals do not.

Such disparities of confrontation have been recently seen in the USA by progressive leftist politicians: they sent police to confront a woman for opening her salon; a man for playing catch with his son…when they were supposed to be on lockdown because of the pandemic.


Governors and mayors did not have to be afraid of law-abiding citizens. So they were bold in their confrontations of them; but these same elected officials are cowering, prostrating before, and placating lawless radicals who are burning their cities down and vandalizing statutes of great Americans like Lincoln and MLK. 

Do you want to live in a city managed by a cowardly progressive leftist politician? If you want your family to be safe, your response has to be a resounding “NO!” Vote them out! Get someone in office that has courage, vision and common sense.



Why are millions of Americans fleeing progressive leftist run cities? The video below provides a thorough 10 minute answer to that question.



The following country song sums up this entire post: Aaron Tippin’s song, You’ve got to stand for something or you’ll fall for anything:



The host of, Stephen Kevin Bannon is an American media executive, political strategist, former investment banker, and the former executive chairman of Breitbart News. He served as White House Chief Strategist in the administration of U.S. President Donald Trump during the first seven months of Trump’s term.Wikipedia

Rationale for this post:

I am a Christian and am driven to oppose progressive leftist politicians because they stand for anti-Christian values that undermine the family unit; oppose the republic of America which they want to replace with socialism; and wreck cities with terrible policies — from which  millions are fleeing, as in the above video. 


For other posts on progressive leftist governance, see Categories: Progressive Govt. / Socialism / Communism; Propaganda Exposed; Paganism / Neo Paganism.