True Faith Is Found In Holiness, Jonathan Edwards

In the following 5 minute video, Dr. Jeff Mayfield explains a Jonathan Edwards sermon from his book of sermons on 1 Corinthians 13.

The sermon distinguishes between true and false faith.



Dr. Mayfield has been giving three talks on each of Edwards sermons from 1 Cor. 13; I have not been posting all of them. The following link is to his home page, for those who would like to hear all of his talks.

Additionally, I have used many of Dr. Mayfield’s talks, to see others in this blog, see; Categories: John Owen; Jonathan Edwards; Calvin’s Institutes; and Thomas Brooks.

Dr. Mayfield’s talks usually boil down difficult topics, rendering them user friendly; thus, if you happen to be interested in holiness; mortification of sin…then hearing his sermonettes can be of great help.