Transgenderism: Dr. John MacArthur says there is no such thing: Paganism, Part 17

In the following 5 minute video, Dr. MacArthur explains why there is no such thing as “transgender,” according to the Bible.

His explanation is rational and easy to understand. This is a topic that Christians ought to be able to speak about biblically.



Earlier posts in this series on Paganism, identified homosexuality as the spearhead of the new paganism / oneism that is trending in the western world. Their end goal is androgyny which has been called the sacrament of the oneist worldview.

One aim of this series has been to provide examples relevant to Dr. Peter Jones’ book, The Other Worldview: Exposing Christianity’s Greatest ThreatThe series exposed the social goals of Aleister Crowley and Carl Jung.

Transgenderism is undoubtedly a step in the process of bringing about the social changes initiated by these two men.

That is to say, transgenderism is not an isolated movement, or merely a stage of the sexual revolution of the 1960s and 1970s; it fits into a much bigger picture: the anti-God work of Satan that dates back to Genesis 3.

Although paganism went underground during the first several centuries of Christianity, it began to re-emerge thereafter, especially during the age of reason while reformation theology lost ground. And during the 20th century, it grew in popularity, largely due to the impact of modernism and science on the church.

Moreover, to say that paganism / satanism is re-emerging in our time is to understate its presence in the western world; more appropriate phrases might be, “breaking out,” “in-your-face,” “blatantly displaying” itself to the world and demanding to be accepted. See post two of this series to better understand this characterization.