The Truth War: What is it? Should you be involved?

If you claim to be a Christian who strives to follow Christ and His word, then you must be involved in this war.

In the following 14 minute video about his book, The Truth War, 2007, Dr. John MacArthur gives an overview of its contents.

Below the video, I will list the table of contents from this short, very readable and informative book that every Christian ought to understand in this time of doctrinal chaos in the church.




  1. Can Truth Survive in a Postmodern Society?
  2. Spiritual Warfare: Duty, Danger, and Guaranteed Triumph
  3. Constrained into Conflict: Why We Must Fight for the Faith
  4. Creeping Apostasy: How False Teachers Sneak in
  5. Heresy’s Subtlety: Why We Must Remain Vigilant
  6. The Evil of False Teaching: How Error Turns Grace into Licentiousness
  7. The Assault on Divine Authority: Christ’s Lordship Denied
  8. How To Survive in an Age of Apostasy: Learning from the Lessons of History

Appendix: Why Discernment is out of Fashion, ends on page 215, then notes.

The following 3 minute video is a response by Dr. John MacArthur to a question sent into his ministry: How do you prove that the Bible is true?




Study Recommendations:

The Truth War, add it to your Christian resource library.