The Spygate Investigation; Paganism, Part 22

There are two videos in this post, the first explains the connections of the Steele Dossier to the Obama administration and the Clinton presidential campaign; the second video discusses the investigation into spygate by Devin Nunes.

Both of these videos show how the “fake news” media worked with the progressive whitehouse to promote Clinton and discredit Trump in his presidential campaign; furthermore, viewers will better understand why progressives have sought to impeach Trump since the beginning of his term.

These communists are the “swamp” that president Trump states that he opposes. And anyone who has even a little understanding of communism, should be concerned about two major issues: loss of freedom and the right to worship God. These are taken from people who live in communist countries. Yeah, they do get some free things, but those things amount to nothing because of these two major losses.




The Nunes video:





Summary points for consideration and meditation:

These posts on spygate are relevant to my series on Paganism because the communist progressive “swamp” is a godless group of people. Godlessness is a chief characteristic of communism; therefore, these posts are intended to educate Christians to the threats around them such that they might conduct themselves wisely and also that they might be able to effectively witness Christ to the spiritually lost amid the moral and political chaos of 2020 America.

If this nation continues along the path that the progressives are straining every muscle, and spewing out lie after lie to keep it on; then, freedom, democracy…will be lost to those who survive the transition (the unborn and the elderly will likely be eliminated for the most part — or so that would seem, based upon elements of the former administration’s health care plan the fortunately did not succeed).

By duplicity and chaos, they have confused the people who have voted for them; as I doubt that any millennial would willingly vote away his freedom.

They have apparently attempted to mesmerize their voters by enticing them with “free” things (which they do not apparently realize someone has to pay for — older taxpayers), while they simultaneously lie to the entire populace of the USA, covering their treasonous conduct with one accusation after another against those in office who are trying to do what the voters elected them to do.

How much time and how many millions of dollars have been squandered by these leftist tactics?

How much longer will the American people vote these treasonous pretenders into office to let them squander American taxpayers money via the aforementioned?

Do the people who elected those democratic progressive communists into office expect nothing from them but to spend their days attacking an official who was elected by the American people while they go on neglecting their own work?


Movie: There’s No Place Like Utopia: (Amazon Prime’s description): Filmmaker Joel Gilbert travels across America confronting progressives, and finds out they are regressing. Why did Dorothy follow the yellow brick road? Filmmaker Joel Gilbert journeys across America to find out what’s at the end of the Progressive rainbow, Utopia or something far worse?

This movie is free to Amazon Prime members. I watched it twice and purchased a copy to loan out. Before viewing the movie, I did not understand how Democrats were establishing a voter base via creating welfare cities and sanctuary cities.  The film examines this and I remember it focusing on Detroit and Newark, NJ; and California’s sanctuary cities to explain this phenomenon to voters.

The film is also funny, as it is a parody on the Wizard of Oz, Gilbert makes the point that Obama’s work has been like that of the Wizard, when the curtain is pulled back and people see reality, all the utopian fantasies evaporate….

The Epoch Times: I just subscribed and find it to be very similar to Fox news which I don’t get because I don’t have cable. They send updates to my phone enabling me to be up to date on crises like the coronavirus, the issues surrounding spygate….  They only publish one hard copy per week, but that is fine with me because I hate to deal with piles of newspapers.