The People Don’t Recognize God’s Judgment: Rev. Kenneth Stewart

This sermon is a perfect follow up to the last post, as it carefully explains the mercies of God in Christ – gospel repentance; God’s standard of righteousness, from the perspective of the cross; what it means to care about the things of God; and how ministers of the word err.

I was preparing a meal while I was listening, so I couldn’t make bullet points. The list of topics above are the highlights, his minor points and related material were wonderful; that is, therein he expanded much and made those things very understandable, such that new Christians will get much from hearing him.

This is the second sermon of a two-part series, but it stands alone. I loved the first sermon also. He is a soundly biblical preacher, the kind that will thoroughly educate you in the foundations of Christianity.

Please click the following link to hear this sermon:

“Blow the trumpet in Zion, Consecrate a fast, Call a sacred assembly” Joel 2:15

Joel: The Second Trumpet 2/2 – Kenneth Stewart Sermon

Glasgow RP Church of Scotland

To hear more Kenneth Stewart sermons, the following link is to a list of 94 of his sermons from Christian Sermons and Audiobooks:

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