The Gospel: its modern look — how this fake gospel morphed, part 5

This session focuses on easy-believism and Charles Finney’s contribution to the modern FAKE gospel that most of our churches sanction in 2019.

Finney opposed hyper calvinism and developed a system of salvation that depended upon man’s own reason, choice-making abilities.

The preacher’s role in this system was to use techniques to move congregants towards a decision: raising the hand; walking the aisle…. Preachers who use Finney’s system believe the decision to be the sole criterion for salvation.

In the following 28 minute video, host Michael Durham defined the biblical criteria for salvation. It has 4 components:

  1. Knowledge of the biblical facts of the gospel message
  2. Agreement with those facts
  3. Trust / commitment of one’s life to the Lord Jesus Christ
  4. Living a life by faith wherein one strives for obedience to the commands of the Bible





***Abide in God’s appointed means of grace: reading His word; hearing the gospel preached; prayer; receiving the Lord’s supper; and fellowship with believers (and the one-time event of baptism).

***Watch all 8 parts of the modern gospel: see categories, gospel message