The Gospel: Its Modern (False) look; how it morphed, Part 2

During the Age of Reason, mankind began to believe that they could create an earthly utopian society. They were enamored with their own abilities and intelligence. It was during this new age that two industrial revolutions occurred, the scientific method was discovered, and so on.

As a result of these major social changes, a general demand for sophistication, relevance, innovation…was sought in all area of human life.

Anyone clinging to old ways was viewed as backwards, ignorant….

The church was also impacted. Theologians, church leaders sought to make the church more relevant to the modern man. They believed that it would be advantageous to turn from biblical steadfastness and to explore innovative ways of worship.

To provide an illustration that believers might readily understand: it would be like excommunicating preachers like Dr. John MacArthur and bringing in those like Benny Hinn, as he is using new, innovative, charismatic techniques that attract large crowds.

Moreover, Brian McLaren and his emergents take innovativeness to a greater extreme by imbibing deeply from eastern religion and philosophy. They have left the stodgy old biblical ways far behind and are traveling at warp speed into the future church (or so they advertise themselves to be doing; they are really traveling down the broad way to destruction at warp speed).

The following 15 minute video by provides a clear look at these trendy changes in the modern church and how they represent a great departure from the eternal, all-knowing God’s word:




In conclusion, I want to recommend all 8 parts of this series which shows the many innovative worldly ways the modern church has departed from God’s truth. The modern gospel is false and RTM give plenty of illustrations in their brief videos (10 — 20 minutes each) to show the departure from God’s truth to this new modern man-made gospel / theology (see, categories, gospel message).