The false gospels of Rick Warren, Rob Bell, Brian McLaren and Steve Chalke surveyed by Dr Gary Gilley

The two videos below are from Dr. Gilley’s speaking engagement in Northern Ireland. He was hosted by Take Heed Ministries (THM). The topics covered by Dr. Gilley are still extremely relevant to the well being of evangelicalism, even though he spoke 7 years ago.

Cecil Andrews’ of THM provided a thorough introduction. Please listen carefully to it as it provides background and an a very brief overview of Gilley’s talk.  His statement defining pragmatism is critical to understanding foundational errors in current evangelicalism.

Each video is about 28 minutes in length; and the first ends abruptly, in the middle of a statement, but the second picks up right there.

Dr. Gilley closes the first video with numerous contrasting statements about the Biblical gospel and the new gospel, 3 of those contrasts are stated below:

The old gospel was about an offended God; the new gospel is about a wounded us.

The old gospel was about sin; the new gospel is about needs.

The old gospel was about our need for righteousness; the new gospel is about our need for fulfillment.

[This shift could be stated: the old gospel is God centered; the new gospel is man centered.]

By the time you listen through the second video, you will understand clearly how grievous the state of affairs is of current evangelicalism. Moreover, you may see some of the errors Gilley pointed out in your own church?


The second video wraps up the discussion on Warren quickly, then moves onto the topic of the emergent church.



In closing, I want to paste in a statement from another post about worldviews:

There are only two worldviews in the whole of religion: the eastern worldview characterized by Hinduism wherein man is inherently good and by developing himself [through meditation], becomes deity; and that of Christianity, wherein man is separate from God, sinful, helpless to change his condition without God’s intervention.

My post on yoga provides a brief description of eastern philosophy and mysticism as it discusses Hindu meditation. The emergent church is seeking God via eastern methods; these are UNbiblical.

The main point of this post and most in this blog could be stated: do you believe the biblical gospel or the doctrines of men?


See, categories, Gospel Message, part 6 of the Modern Gospel series that deals with the social gospel and its failure to provide salvation as it is unbiblical. The men discussed in this post are largely advocates of the social gospel. Warren and McLaren are briefly featured in part 6.

See, categories: Yoga/Meditation, to learn about the unbiblical nature of yoga and eastern meditation. These are accepted practices in the emergent church; they are totally unbiblical. These practices are a major part of the paganistic, one-world movement that is described in the series on paganism in this blog; to see that series, go to categories, Paganism/Neopaganism.

Dr. Gilley is a pastor who is also one of the writing staff at Personal Freedom Outreach, an organization that researches and writes articles on false Christian teachers / preachers and other religious organizations. Their publication is called The Quarterly Journal. One may subscribe to their publication or purchase a cd Rom containing all articles from 1981 to date for $70. Other writers at PFO include: M. Kurt Goedelman; G. Richard Fisher; Kieth A. Morse; Dr. Jay E. Adams; Dr. Ron Rhodes.

Christian Worldview by R. C. Sproul: in 12 twenty minute dvd lectures (on two discs), Sproul succinctly explains the following philosophies that make up the worldviews of people in the western world: Secularism; existentialism; humanism; pragmatism; positivism; pluralism / relativism; and hedonism. He then discusses them as they impact science, economics, government, art and literature. Knowing these philosophies enables one to have deeper insight into his own worldview and that of the religion he subscribes to…it is well worth the time. See to purchase a copy.