The DOJ Does Not Appear to Be Run by the Attorney General | Truth Over News

The following 1 minute preview of an Epoch Times story highlights the performance of Biden appointees in the DOJ and DOT, it is alarmingly, and unfortunately true:



Video narrative from ET:

It’s well-known that our nation has an absent Transportation secretary. The supply chain issues, empty shelves, and port bottlenecks are obvious to all. But it’s less known and less obvious that we effectively have an absent attorney general running the Department of Justice.

But unlike the Department of Transportation, which appears to have no one in charge, Garland’s effective absence appears to be planned, allowing that role to be filled with political appointees who came from the Obama administration who are very much in charge.

For those unaware of Garland’s figurehead-like status, it was repeatedly driven home during his recent testimonies before the House and Senate Judiciary Committees.

Garland repeatedly failed to have answers for actions from the DOJ and failed miserably when attempting to answer questions regarding his decision to target parents angered at misrepresentation from politicized school boards.

He appeared to be fulfilling orders rather than leading the Justice Department.

Link for the full story which may not be available to non-subscribers: