The Biggest Threat To Totalitarianism Is Christianity – Dr. John MacArthur

The following 11 minute MacArthur sermon excerpt is from the site, Public Theology.

Dr. MacArthur cited two dystopian novels, Brave New World (Aldous Huxley), and 1984, (George Orwell), and explained how major elements from these novels on totalitarianism, are unfolding in the US today; the process is about complete.

Then he identified the necessary elements that have enabled this to occur. You know all the elements, hearing him put them together and unmask the process will amaze you, especially if you have not been keeping up with current events (which is quite difficult to do, by the way, with all the current censorship, misinformation and propaganda).

The following bulleted points are HIGHLIGHTS from the MacArthur video [bracketed statements, emboldening and underscoring are mine]:

  • In 1932, atheist Aldous Huxley wrote Brave New World, a dystopian novel that looked at western culture and assumed it would soon be ruled by totalitarian government
  • In totalitarian governments, there are two classes of people: the elite ruling class and the oppressed
  • Brave New World portrayed what life would be like under totalitarianism
  • 17 years later, atheist George Orwell also wrote a novel that envisioned a totalitarian society, 1984
  • In reviewing these novels, Dr. MacArthur gleaned from them a portrait of the future of our western world
  • The totalitarian governments described by these authors, were characterized by the following:
  • The absolute political and social slavery of everyone. We are used to chattel slavery, wherein one owns another, but political slavery is when the state owns everyone. Slaves feel the same under each system. In the US, we hate chattel slavery and speak against it; but at the same time, people are willingly becoming slaves of the state, which also results in someone owning them
  • What elements of social and political totalitarianism produce this willing kind of state slavery?
  • Necessary Elements: 1) A crisis, it puts freedom in danger because it elevates government control and diminishes the value of personal freedom (as in the requirement to wear a mask to keep from dying of a plague, one does so to preserve his life – even though he may have been lied to by the state when it required mask wearing)
  • 2) The collective is more important than the individual; for example, the advance of LGBTQ is more important that what you think about it
  • 3) A mass psychosis is needed, something that makes everyone afraid – a plague, a pandemic, masks…create a greater threat than giving up freedoms; government control is increased by keeping up the deception
  • 4) Information must be controlled, what people hear influences how they behave. By creating confusion, nothing is really clear; such tactics create an acceptable, irrational mindset; furthermore, censoring critical information enables tech and media (arms of totalitarian govt.) to keep citizens ignorant of facts that are required to rightly assess what is happening around them
  • 5) From both novels, hedonism is a chief tool; encouraging it via all kinds of immorality and the gratification of every kind of lust, enticing people to get lost in sensual pleasures…because people are then distracted, sidetracked, uninterested in politics, personal rights, their own freedom…
  • 6) Feeding people incessant mindless, irrelevant, distracting entertainment so they will be living in a fantasy world of emotional stimulation rather than thinking about what is happening around them
  • 7) Making drugs available to everyone because a drugged or drunk people are harmless
  • 8) Lastly, it is necessary to isolate citizens from each other, then government can control the narrative because people are not interacting and are not seeing contrasting behaviors; for example, from those who believe the narrative to be propaganda and defy it
  • What is the biggest threat to the above? Some other authority than the government, Christ, for example
  • Don’t look to politicians to fix these problems, they are the problem; they possess the power
  • One non-politician tried to fix these things, but he could get no help from the politicians [even though half the nation supported him]
  • What is the threat to them; again, another authority, one that is greater, transcendent, eternal, and has revealed Himself clearly in the Bible
  • It is hard to say what freedom in the western world will look like, but we’ve checked off all the boxes required by these two novels to establish totalitarianism in the US
  • We believe that the truth will set us free; but [those who do not know scripture are only familiar with the following pseudo truth systems]: psychology, which fails because mind games don’t change reality; philosophy, which fails because the truth is not in us; cynicism, which fails because believing that there is no such thing as objective, absolute truth is of no value; the education system and universities have failed us [they have been wielded against us by the totalitarian system] ; and science, which has failed because it has been corrupted [the second video below, on Brave New World, explains very well how science has become a tool of those who desire totalitarianism]
  • When government fails, then the tale will be told [I think he is suggesting that all we have to do is to look at Venezuela, Cuba, the USSR…to see how communist systems end – with a wrecked economy, millions having been starved or having been shot for dissenting, or having their organs harvested for dissenting…THEN, the lies of the government become clear to many more people; their confusion will be dissipated by the reality that crashes down upon them]
  • It is clear that we are headed towards totalitarianism



The following 9 minute video is about Brave New World, for those who are unfamiliar with its contents. The points made describe the western world perfectly; it is frightening, because the distractions sought by most are viewed from the perspective of those providing them, and their motivations are made very clear; furthermore, “science” has been applied amazingly well.